Before completing the 'Signed, Seared, Delivered' quest:
Basani School Teacher, Andesi's Mom
Welcome to Basani, hero… or what's left of it. That volcano has been asleep for centuries but Xan came down, riding a wave of lava, laughing like a maniac and started throwing fireballs all over town. None of us are heroes, we don't know how to handle this. Can you help us?
Andesi is my only child but as the teacher in town I know each of the town's children. I feel responsible for protecting them. If anything happens to those kids…
After completing the 'Signed, Seared, Delivered' quest:
Basani School Teacher, Andesi's Mom
You're back! But where is Andesi and the rest of the kids?! If you don't get rid of Xan, I have a feeling that we'll never see each other again!
Location: Basani

Thanks to the magic caster.
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