Sage Horns of Revontheus
Price: 75 AC
- First 24 Hours: 68 AC
- After 24 Hours: 19 AC
Rarity: Rare Rarity
Description: This attire worn by the Revontheus during their sacrifices.
- Hair, skin and eyes are not Color Custom.
- Also see:
- Prismatic Revontheus Cultist Horns (Legend).
- Prismatic Revontheus Cultist Horns (Non-Legend).
- Prismatic Revontheus Cultist Horns + Locks (Legend).
- Prismatic Revontheus Cultist Horns + Locks (Non-Legend).
- Revontheus Cultist Horns.
- Revontheus Cultist Horns + Locks.
- Sage Mask of Revontheus.
- Sage Void of Revontheus.
Thanks to Jadl and L0re.