Ryoku (Monster)

Level: 19
Difficulty: 2 stars
Total HP: 5,000
AI: Dragonkoi Tournament - Aggressive at the start of the match.
- Martial Arts: 101-125
- Not Hadoken: 101-125
Temporary Items Dropped:
- Dragon Dodecahedron (Dropped during the 'Best Challenge' quest)
- Finalist Medal
Items Dropped:
- Ao Tsuki Dual Kunai
- Ao Tsuki Kunai
- Challenger Ryoku
- K.O. Ryoku
- Martial Artist's Gi
- Ryoku's Spikes
- Treasure Chest (Misc)
- Ryoku (力) means "Strength" in Japanese.
- This monster is a parody of the two characters Ryu from Street Fighter and Goku from Dragon Ball.
- Also see:

Thanks to Msbo13, Pmk138, Thano9 and .Shadow//.
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