Rune of Chaos Enchantment

- Chaos Lord
- Chaos Realm
- Djinn
- Dream Nexus
- Escherion's Tower
- Kitsune's Lair
- Ledgermayne (Location)
- Mirror Portal
- Stalagbite (Location)
- The Storm Temple
- Swordhaven Falls
- Time Space
- Wolfwing's Lair
Price: N/A
- Dropped by:
- Alteon (Monster) (2)
- Chaos Lord Alteon (Monster)
- Chaos Lord Iadoa (Level 43)
- Chaos Lord Iadoa (Level 52)
- Chaos Lord Lionfang (Monster)
- Chaos Lord Xang
- Chaos Lord Xiang
- Chaos Lord Xing
- Escherion (Monster) (1)
- Escherion (Monster) (2)
- Hero (Chaos Lord)
- Khasaanda (Monster) (1)
- Khasaanda (Monster) (2)
- Kimberly (Monster) (2)
- Kitsune (Monster) (1)
- Kitsune (Monster) (2)
- Ledgermayne (Monster) (1)
- Ledgermayne (Monster) (2)
- Tibicenas (Monster) (Level 35)
- Tibicenas (Monster) (Level 37)
- Vath (1)
- Vath (2)
- Wolfwing (Monster) (1)
- Wolfwing (Monster) (2)
Sellback: 0 Gold
Rarity: Quest Item
Description: Turn in this Rune to the Chaotic Sneevil Smith to enchant one of the weapons from the Chaos Forge!
- Stacks up to 13.
- Dropped during and used in the 'Chaos Forge Enchantment' quest.
Thanks to Rich Wind, rruurruu77 and Seah Deng Xian.
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