Just Hangin' Around
Bless you for trying to save me rainbow. When that big old Horc ran me off this cliff, I dropped me bag of shoemaker tools. I can't be makin' shoes if I have no tools, now can I? I'm pretty sure when I dropped me bag that those wolves made off with it. If you can track down all my tools I'll be sure to reward you handsomely at the end… but not before.
After clicking the "Finale" button:
Just Hangin' Around
Now that you've gotten rid of the Monochrome and his cannon, and Lucky Harms isn't so lucky any more, all the leprechauns can live happily ever after. 'Tis likely those poor rats will go back to their normal colors. Thank ye from the bottom of me heart. Every time you see a rainbow, remember Roy G. Biv!
Location: Rainbow
Thanks to Burn and Rich Wind.
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