Roderick Crusher


Before completing the 'Story Time!' quest:

Childhood Friend of <Hero>
You are not on the right quest string yet. Meet Voltaire at Poehub.

- Go Now

After completing the 'Story Time!' quest:

Childhood Friend of <Hero>
Hello my friend! Thank you for coming on such short notice. I am not in the best of health, and my dear sister Madeline is faring much worse-- I fear that she will soon die. Please, will you help me try to save my sister's life?

My sister Madeline suffers from catalepsy, a condition that causes suspended animation and loss of voluntary motion. She may *appear* dead, but it is just her cataleptical condition which makes her look dead.

Doctors cannot cure her. I have heard you perform many an amazing feat, so I am hopeful that together we can find a cure for Madeline. Please, help me help my only sister and only family member left in the Usher family.

- Roderick Crusher's Quests

After completing the 'Spook and the Book' quest:

Childhood Friend of <Hero>
The story of the House of Crusher has been told, and now is the time for the Cask of Amoglinado!

- Cask
- House of Usher Shop
- Roderick Crusher's Quests

Location: Crusher

Thanks to Apus, Leila and Selulpchure.

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