- Dragonpirate - Plays after completing the 'Captain Scalebeard' quest
«Scene: Hero and Captain Rhubarb standing in front of defeated Scalebeard»
Hero: So are you going to tell us what this ritual is, or not?!
Captain Scalebeard: Why tell you when I can show you. It is already complete!
Hero: Wait, what?!
«the Prime Dragon starts glowing and faints»
Hero: That can't be good!
Captain Scalebeard: From the Four Winds and the Eight Seas, I come bearing this offering!
Captain Scalebeard: Take the power from one that has sealed you in the Deep and rise to the surface!
Captain Scalebeard: With this spell I bind you to me as we expand both our domains!
Captain Scalebeard: //I shall rule the Dragonlands, and you shall rule the seas!
«Blue orb-like thing appears in the sky»
Captain Scalebeard: Servite mihi, Titanius Leviathanius!!!
«Orb explodes and disappears into the sea»
«Tentacles appear out of the sea»
Hero: Captain Rhubarb… What is that?!
Captain Rhubarb: It be…
«Leviathanius appears from the sea with Scalebeard sitting on its head»
Captain Rhubarb: The Water Titan, Leviathanius…
«Leviathanius smacks its tail at Hero and Rhubarb, breaking the ship they were on»
To be continued…
«Scene fades»
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