Riddlelord's Statue
Riddle Guardian
You may enter the chamber of the Riddlord's Golem, but to earn your share of his treasures you must first solve my riddle…
- What peels like an onion but still remains whole?
- snake/lizard
- What has a heart that does not beat yet it lives?
- an artichoke
- When is a door not a door?
- when it's ajar
- What has hands but cannot touch?
- a clock
- What has a mouth but cannot chew?
- a river
- What can be quick and deadly and gathers by the ocean?
- sand
- What stinks when living and smells good when dead?
- Bacon!
- Why did the chicken cross the road?
- to get to the other side
- What goes around the world without leaving its corner?
- stamp
- What has legs but cannot walk?
- a table
- What grows when it eats, but dies when it drinks?
- fire
- When is it bad luck to meet a white cat?
- when you're the mouse
- What is as light as a feather but the strongest man cannot hold for long?
- breath
- What goes up and down w/o moving?
- stairs
- What gets more wet as it dries?
- a towel
- What has teeth but cannot bite?
- a comb
- What has ears but cannot hear?
- corn
- What has eyes but cannot see?
- a potato
- Where can you find cities, towns, shops and streets but no people?
- a map
- What has a tounge but cannot taste?
- a shoe
Location: Cysero's Clubhouse
Thanks to Weena.
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