

«Scene: Do Dawn, Do Dusk, and Hero on the left. So, Re, Fa, and Ti on the right.»

Hero: Stop!
Hero: Just let me talk to Darkon.
Hero: Ti…Didn't you once say that might makes right? Haven't I earned the right to make a case for Lore?

Ti: That was…the Astravian way. The way of. Cowards and fiends.

So: Where did you hear that, Dragon? Did the Do Twins have anything to do with it?
So: Traitors! You were the ones who guided Darkon and the Scale from the very beginning!
So: Now you want us to stop?

Fa: Yes! Great even! Let's all stop fighting already!
Fa: Darkon won like, hours ago. Re, can't we just go home?
Fa: I was tired the moment I woke up today. You and Ti look like you have it worse.

Do Dawn: Re and Ti are feeling the effects of The World's appearance.

Do Dusk: With the promise finally complete, the Arcana Primordials will merge into their original form.
Do Dusk: This means the power of The Fool is leaving Darkon's body, and as a consequence, Re and Ti's.

Hero: If The Fool's powers stop working…doesn't that mean they'll be on the brink of death again!?

Re: Ha…hahaha…you're thinking too positive, partner. We'll just croak.

Fa: !!!
Fa: Then I'll take you as far from The World as possible! If we can outlast all of this erasing stuff—

Re: We can't hide from our chores this time, Fa.
Re: Besides, I want to spread the end of the world with my best buds.

Fa: What are you saying? You're not acting like yourself!

Re: I feel like my insides are about to become my outsides.
Re: But, the pain's given me a shot of clarity. I'm thinking clearer than ever.
Re: Like how I used to.
Re: Ti..tania, we hurt a lot of people huh? How many times have we broken our vows now?

Ti: Re…

Re: My memories are coming back, and mixing with the ones I made as Re.
Re: We've all changed a lot. Especially Prince Darkon. I can barely recognize him.
Re: I don't want to think that the real Darkon died in the Observatory.
Re: There has to be some part of our softy Prince left in the Debris.
Re: We need to help <Hero> and save him.
Re: Wouldn't "Titania" and "Song" want that?


So: Darkon does need to be saved!
So: From this awful Dragon!
So: We're so close to making Suki's dream come true! Why don't you want a better world?
So: There won't be anyone like Drago or the Astravians ever again!
So: It'll be a world where everyone is kind to each other!

Hero: By their own choice? Without free will or choosing to be good-
Hero: -it would be meaningless.
Hero: Part of being human…no, part of being alive is having the ability to understand each other.
Hero: Suki-

«Camera focuses on Suki»

So: You don't get to say her name!
So: If you won't stand down, then I'll stop you myself!

«Scene fades»

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