Regular Stranger

Not an Ally, Nor a Fit Enemy
Stop bothering me. I didn't fall down again. I'm just tired from having to listen to all that rabble. It's making my brain leak out of my ears…What, still here? Can't you see I'm busy? This is your fault! If I had just left you to get torn apart by those masks…I'd still be a puppet. We'd all be puppets. Argh… if I'm going to die slowly, at least I'll die free as myself.

Huh? You want to know what happened in the throne room? Sek-Duat came from Greenguard, and took the Sandsea's throne for himself. He did it in the name of an Avatar, and a King he served and betrayed. That King was a Drakath. Their successors alternated between going to war and maintaining bitter alliances. To think, I sat on the magic throne my father failed to take back, and it gave me no sense of joy.

Umbral Magic
Is that what they're calling this false Chaos? Umbral Magic? It looks like the Pharaohs of old found a way to harness the same forbidden magic that gave rise to me. Hahaha, and here I thought I was special. That only I could control Chaos, but all this broken body can manage is making one of those snakes sneeze. Chaos and Shadow, hm? I didn't think they'd mix. Hooded Strangers were always turned away during my father's time.

Kick Him
AH! Did you just kick me? Really? Kick me while I'm down? I'll wring your neck until your face is purple enough to be mistaken for Chaorruption! *cough/* *cough//* Oh, bother, I don't care anymore. If that was an attempt to get a rise out of me, then give up. Let me rot.


After completing the 'Doomed Heir' quest:

Not an Ally, Nor a Fit Enemy
That…thing in the sarcophagus wrenched control of Chaos away from me! How is that possible? I…I really am dying, and it's been a long time coming, hasn't it? I bet the ghost of that Queen is laughing. Xing and Xang are laughing behind my back. And your laughter's the loudest of them all. What do you mean it's dead silent? You think you're tired of this, huh? Haha, perfect! Maybe I'll hang on to make your life just a little worse.

Huh? You want to know what happened in the throne room? Sek-Duat came from Greenguard, and took the Sandsea's throne for himself. He did it in the name of an Avatar, and a King he served and betrayed. That King was a Drakath. Their successors alternated between going to war and maintaining bitter alliances. To think, I sat on the magic throne my father failed to take back, and it gave me no sense of joy.

Umbral Magic
Is that what they're calling this false Chaos? Umbral Magic? It looks like the Pharaohs of old found a way to harness the same forbidden magic that gave rise to me. Hahaha, and here I thought I was special. That only I could control Chaos, but all this broken body can manage is making one of those snakes sneeze. Chaos and Shadow, hm? I didn't think they'd mix. Hooded Strangers were always turned away during my father's time.

Kick Him
AH! Did you just kick me? Really? Kick me while I'm down? I'll wring your neck until your face is purple enough to be mistaken for Chaorruption! *cough/* *cough//* Oh, bother, I don't care anymore. If that was an attempt to get a rise out of me, then give up. Let me rot.




Thanks to Tux47.

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