Ravinos Brightglade's Quests

Jump to: Brightoak Grove, Dark Heart, Gaiazor (Part 1), Gaiazor (Part 2).

Quest Location: Brightoak Grove
Quests Begun From: Ravinos Brightglade

The animals of the grove have begun showing signs of corruption. This is MOST troubling… especially since - I - I can hardly say it, but… the song of the forest has been - silenced. *shudder* This CANNOT be a coincidence! Slay the Wolfwood, Hootbear, and Tainted Earth to bring me samples of the corruption.

Items Required:


Thanks to rickyb20.

Quest Location: Dark Heart (Location)
Quests Begun From: Ravinos Brightglade

Requirements: Must have completed the 'Defeat the Guardian Spirit' quest.
Note: This quest can be completed only once.

It's worse than we feared, Hero. And we don't have much time. The Horn of Protection MUST be recovered from the heart of the tree as soon as possible. But in order to do so, we'll need to clear a path. Make your way around the roots and scout the monsters Nevanna has sent after us.

Items Required:

  • Brightoak Tree Surveyed x1
    • Go to Screen 6


Thanks to Amduscia.

Quest Location: Dark Heart (Location)
Quests Begun From: Ravinos Brightglade

Requirements: Must have completed the 'Defeat the Gaiazor' quest.

The battle is over, and Brightoak has been destroyed. The inhabitants of the forest remain tainted. We must purify as many of them as we can to reduce Nevanna's forces for the upcoming confrontation. Gather a Tainted Earth Core from on of the Tainted Earth beings and a Purified Sac from one of the Toxic Grove Spiders and I will reward you with Grove Seals.

Items Required:


You will receive one of the following items:

Thanks to Amduscia.

Quest Location: Gaiazor (Location)
Quests Begun From: Ravinos Brightglade

Requirements: Must have completed the 'Defeat the Gaiazor' quest.

We have to make certain everyone was able to escape the world tree and reach the refugee camp we've set up. Most of our people have made it, but there are still far too many that I haven't seen. Please, find them and lead them to safety.

Items Required:

  • Refugee Rescued x6
    • Click on the blue arrows around the map


  • 0 Gold
  • 0 Exp


Thanks to rickyb20.

Quest Location: Gaiazor (Location)
Quests Begun From: Ravinos Brightglade

Requirements: Must have completed the 'Return to Ravinos' quest.

Nevanna and her monstrous allies did so much damage while you were gone. We cannot allow any further destruction. Fight your way through the Queen's troops, and put an end to Nevanna and her corrupted Titan minion.

Items Required:

  • Nevanna Defeated x1


Thanks to Apus and rickyb20.

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