Before completing the 'What's Next? quest:
High Druid of Brightoak
My friend, it is good to see you again! Brightoak is slowly healing, and so am I. But your help is needed elsewhere. Here, I will take you there.
After completing the 'What's Next? quest:
High Druid of Brightoak
These invading Monsters… the world itself is poisoning them? And the toxins from the Rift are transforming the land into one they can live in. That explains so much about what happened here! Of course, I will do whatever I can to help.
We Need a Nature Bomb
Finding a way to weaponize Lore itself… yes, I understand the logic behind that plan, even if I find the idea of it abhorrent. I… think I know a way you could accomplish this, but…
But frankly, it would be a huge setback for Brightoak's recovery. Still, if this is the only way to prevent the rest of Lore from succumbing to the same fate… we have no choice, do we? The Heart of the Grove, that's what you need. The seed of the World Tree. It is nestled in the Underglade, deep beneath Brightoak, guarded by the ancient dryad Lunamoss. She won't let you take it willingly.
After completing the 'Talk to Ravinos' quest:
High Druid of Brightoak
The Heart of the Grove is the seed of an unborn World Tree… the one that would take Brightoak's place when it dies. So we are sacrificing, not Brightoak itself, but its future heir. A new seed will eventually grow, but… that could decades, even centuries. I hope,
for all our sakes, that this sacrifice is worth it.
Will this kill Brightoak?
No. The Heart of the Grove is the seed of an unborn World Tree… the one that would take Brightoak's place when it dies. So we are sacrificing, not Brightoak itself, but its future heir. A new seed will eventually grow, but… that could decades, even centuries.
Location: Underglade

Thanks to ShatteredReality.
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