Elder of the Umbral Legion
Hssssss! You think to rule? Oh. You are another Hero, come to show your support for my ascension to the throne? Perhapssss you wish to join the Umbral Legion? No? Very well. I will accept your support, even if you do not choose to join my band of bloodthirsty brethren.
I would use your help in defeating the minions of Baron Luca, the vain coward! He thinks to use you mortals as cattle. He knows not what he does.
The Baron Luca and I have battled for centuries. He seeks to prevent me from stealing his blood-banks (what he calls his peasants) as I recruit for my Legion. There is ALWAYS a need for more shadow stalkers, no?
I would warn you away from that She-Bat, as well. She is darker than she appears. You know the Sparkling Puppet, that Edvard? I hear dark rumors about his fate… and they all lead back to her.
- Vampire War Rares
- Vampire War Merge
- Rapaxi's Quests
- Destroy Nyx

Thanks to Matheew and rickyb20.
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