Quibble's Quests

Jump to: Sneevil War, Battleon, Frozen Tower & Northstar, Quibble Hunt


Quest Location: Sneevil War (Location)
Quests Begun From: Quibble

Turn in your Battle Prize for a new amazing item! Battle prizes drop during war events.

Items Required:


  • 0 Gold
  • 0 Exp


Thanks to Burn.


Quest Location: Battleon
Quests Begun From: Quibble

Ahoy, matey! Thar be an old say'n that goes somethin' like "an eye for an eye." We are pirates be known fer uphold'n principles'n such, so let's down the hatches 'nd show some mariner manners! Seize the Barbed Horror from a Swordhaven landlubber 'nd plunder the eyeballs from Chaos Sp-eyes 'nd Speyeders. When ye gots 'em all, make landfall back there 'nd ye will git ye hard-earned treasure!

Items Required:


  • 919 Gold
  • 919 Exp

Thanks to Apus and Flitterifie.


Quest Locations: Battleon
Quests Begun From: Quibble

  • You can only do one of these quests once per day.
  • These quests can also be found from Syrrus in Frozen Tower.


THIS QUEST IS FOR AQW LEGENDS ONLY! If you wish to gain access to the Cyromancer Shop you will need Glaceran Ice Tokens. If you bring me a piece of Dark Ice from the FrostSpawn Invader, then I will craft it into tokens for you.

(Must complete quests in Frozen Tower to unlock.)

Items Required:


  • 500 Gold
  • 500 Exp


Thanks to masterfighter9000.

Quest Location: Quibble Hunt
Quests Begun From: Quibble

The time travel fairies are very protective of the routes they use while traveling. They have an arrangement with the creatures of the Void, and the Time-Travel Fairies pay them VERY well to keep the deal. You'll need to slay the ones you meet before they slay you in order to pass.

Items Required:


  • 500 Gold
  • 500 Exp


Begin this quest in our free web game at www.AQ.com!

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