Queen's ArchSage (Monster)

Location: Cysero's Secret
Level: 25
Difficulty: 3 stars
Total HP: 26,550
- Scythe Slash: 193-237
- Smoke Explosion: 193-237
Temporary Items Dropped:
- ArchSage Defeated (Dropped during the 'Last Goose Bone' quest)
- ArchSage Defeated again! (Dropped during the 'Get Those Points!' quest)
Items Dropped:
- Cysero's Cookie
- Irradiated Sock (Dropped during the 'Agitated Orb Quest' quest)
- Queen's ArchSage (Armor)
- Queen's ArchSage Cape
- Queen's ArchSage Hood
- Queen's ArchSage Scythe
- Scroll of Enchantment (Dropped during the 'Harmony' quest)
- Treasure Chest (Misc)

Thanks to boomboompowboyz, Eine and Imph.
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