Archmage, Order of the Burnt Phoenix
My forces are delaying Blazebeard as long as possible, but there’s only so much we can do- with the power of the Magmanacles, they’re too hot to handle, even for our own Pyromancy. Only the Mother Dragon’s flames can melt them now. Luckily, Xanh Lá knows how to summon her… but we’ve got to break through Blazebeard’s forces to reach him.
I’ve heard tales of these Magmanacles before - a set of chains that bestows the wearer with the strength and fury of a living volcano. It seems like Blazebeard stumbled upon them during his travels, and intends to combine their power with that of Maladrite’s here on the Burning Beach. We have to stop him before he burns this island to the ground!
Xanh Lá
Xahn is the last of his sect, a group called the Jade Flame Guardians. Supposedly, the order once knew a ritual to call upon the Mother Dragon and gain her blessing in repelling invaders. There’s a good chance that he still does. He’s currently meditating in the heart of the volcano. Hopefully, we can get to him before Blazebeard does…
Mother Dragon
The path to the volcano’s heart is clear! Speak with Xanh Lá, and he’ll tell you what you need to do to summon the Mother Dragon. We’ll keep Blazebeard away from you two as long as there’s still fire in our bodies!
- Pyralis' Quests
- Blazing Beach Merge
After completing the 'Canned Heat' quest:
Archmage, Order of the Burnt Phoenix
The path to the volcano’s heart is clear! Speak with Xanh Lá, and he’ll tell you what you need to do to summon the Mother Dragon. We’ll keep Blazebeard away from you two as long as there’s still fire in our bodies!
- Into the Caves - Takes you to Screen 3
After completing the 'Ha Long' quest:
Archmage, Order of the Burnt Phoenix
If I didn’t believe you were favored by the Elemental Lords then, I certainly do now. These crystals, left behind by the Mother Dragon, are both valuable and possess great defensive properties! Now the area- and my Order- will be safe here. Thank you once again, Hero, and may Fiamme’s blessings be upon you for all time.
- Pyralis' Quests
- Blazing Beach Merge
ArchMage, Order of the Burnt Phoenix
Greetings, my friend! It is good to see you again, and in such an idyllic, peaceful place. At least, it seemed to be, until the eruptions began. My Pyromancers say a trapped Elemental is to blame. You've done so much for us already, but… would you be able to help us again?
Indeed. The fire has revealed much to my diviners, and I am not without hope. Millennia ago, Maladrite, an ancient Storm Elemental, was trapped deep inside the heart of this volcano — called Fiamme's Fang by the locals — to prevent her from destroying the island with her furious winds.
Makes sense
Certainly. How else would you take a stormcloud and pin it down? For centuries she slumbered, and the island was peaceful. But something happened in the last year — I do not know what — and she woke. Now, in her frenzy to escape once more, she's merged her power with that of the volcano itself. Now, her and the volcano's might are one.
That's not good
Not at all. Her rage is rocking the very foundations of the island. Smaller eruptions have begun, but we can tell they are only leading up to something much, much worse. The lives of all who dwell here are at risk.
- Pyralis' Quests
After completing the 'Through Fumes and Flame' quest:
ArchMage, Order of the Burnt Phoenix
I've asked my pyromancers to glean any additional knowledge they can. They've cast the ashes and as the burning embers fell, they beheld a vision — a bright gem, a phoenix wing, and a warning. You must recover Fiamme's Fang, a gem made of crystallized Lava, blessed by the Elemental Lord herself. With it and your own power, you should be able to negate Maladrite's fiery attacks.
- Pyralis' Quests
After completing the 'In Lava with Maladrite' quest:
ArchMage, Order of the Burnt Phoenix
The spell was a success! Maladrite awaits in the inner chamber. Be careful, my friend. She has all the strength of the volcano to attack with.
- Pyralis' Quests
After completing the 'Fahrenheit FEAR-51' quest:
ArchMage, Order of the Burnt Phoenix
If I didn't know better, I'd say you were favored by the Elemental Lords themselves. Fiamme's blessing upon you, and may the fires of the Phoenix guide you home.
- Pyralis' Quests
- Ultra Maladrite (Takes you to Screen 6)
Before completing General Phyrz's Quests:
ArchMage, Order of the Burnt Phoenix
The Firestorm Onslaught remains a danger to all of the people who live in the Fire Islands. Help us defeat the Onslaught!
Pyralis' Quests
Lavarun Merge
Flamelord Rares
After completing General Phyrz's Quests:
ArchMage, Order of the Burnt Phoenix
This is Lavarun Altar, one of the most sacred sites to the Order of the Burnt Phoenix. In our histories, this was the birthplace of one of the Ancient Titans created by the Queen of Monsters before the dawn of time. It has been said that the Phoenix Dragon - the Phedra - still slumbers here.
Our histories speak of a huge golden creature. Some have called it a phoenix, even though it is not completely a bird. Some call it a gryphon, but its wings are not that of an eagle, but steams of flame. Fragments of our oldest writings speak of a Titan called the Phedra, but any more has been lost over the passage of time.
Created before the dawn of time by the Queen of Monsters, the Phedra flies on wings of flame. The coming of the Firestorm Onslaught, and the spread of fire and flame across the world awakened the Phedra. The Queen of Monsters feeds on the terror the Phedra leaves in its wake, and grows ever-stronger.
Pyralis' Quests
Flamelord Rares 
Lavarun Merge
After completing the 'Defeat Phedra' quest:
ArchMage, Order of the Burnt Phoenix
With knowledge you've gained from Pyralis, you have defeated the Phedra. You come away, only to be confronted by Mega Tyndarius. The victory of the Titan has given him even more power, but you MUST defeat him!
Our histories speak of a huge golden creature. Some have called it a phoenix, even though it is not completely a bird. Some call it a gryphon, but its wings are not that of an eagle, but steams of flame. Fragments of our oldest writings speak of a Titan called the Phedra, but any more has been lost over the passage of time.
Created before the dawn of time by the Queen of Monsters, the Phedra flies on wings of flame. The coming of the Firestorm Onslaught, and the spread of fire and flame across the world awakened the Phedra. The Queen of Monsters feeds on the terror the Phedra leaves in its wake, and grows ever-stronger.
Pyralis' Quests
Flamelord Rares 
Lavarun Merge
After completing the 'Defeat Mega Tyndarius' quest:
ArchMage, Order of the Burnt Phoenix
The Phedra and Tyndarius have been defeated! The Firestorm Onslaught has lost their leader, but the people of Embersea have regained their land. All in all, a fair trade, I'd say!
Our histories speak of a huge golden creature. Some have called it a phoenix, even though it is not completely a bird. Some call it a gryphon, but its wings are not that of an eagle, but steams of flame. Fragments of our oldest writings speak of a Titan called the Phedra, but any more has been lost over the passage of time.
Created before the dawn of time by the Queen of Monsters, the Phedra flies on wings of flame. The coming of the Firestorm Onslaught, and the spread of fire and flame across the world awakened the Phedra. The Queen of Monsters feeds on the terror the Phedra leaves in its wake, and grows ever-stronger.
There are two ways to obtain the hottest gear of the year! If you have battled the Onslaught and gained the Phedra feathers, then I have items for you in the merge shop! If you wish to go the other route, the AC Rares shop is your other option.
- Flamelord Rares 
- Lavarun Merge
Pyralis' Quests
Ultra Tyndarius 
Ultra Phedra
Archmage, Order of the Burnt Phoenix
Time and time again, we meet and you graciously lend me your aid. I could handle those pirates on my own but I fear spilling blood on the sacred sand. In fact, I'm surprised you would be in such a dangerous place. One of my duties, passed down from the first Archmage to converse with Fiamme, is to visit during the lowest tide in order to repel intruders. But even I am forbidden from delving too into the beach's secrets.
Rheum's Ritual
The Order holds a mutual respect with the Town of Rheum. As we seek to maintain and strengthen the honor of Pyromancers through harnessing Lady Fiamme's flames, Rheum's humble people are blessed with stability by Lord Tremblor. They are secretive with their traditions but have only done us favors, which is why I visit this beach yearly to make sure they can carry out their strange ritual uninterrupted.
Forbidden Beach
The coast where the sea and land meet are symbolic of Lord Tremblor and Lady Neso's deep partnership. They once competed viciously to carve out more territory for their respective elements, but in the present, land dwellers are allowed to harvest the fruits of the sea. This unnamed stretch of beach holds a certain significance to them. One that, according to legend, the other Avatars have agreed to leave alone.
Sea Witch
You believe that in its original form, the Ritual called for thousands of drowned lives to appease a Sea Witch? There are many witches out there, and I'm sure some have power over water. But, I have never heard of a Sea Witch so powerful that it would justify the sacrifice of that many lives. Only Lady Neso's wrath would necessitate such a steep…No, I won't say it. Even considering the possibility is profoundly disrespectful.
Before completing the 'Friends of Pyrewatch Peak' quest:
ArchMage, Order of the Burnt Phoenix
You're here as escort? Good… I am ArchPyromancer Pyralis, head of the Order of the Burnt Phoenix. Two days ago, Embersea sent out it's last remaining stock of the Feverbane Elixir to Pyrewatch Peak. It's the only thing slowing down the plague symptoms. Unfortunately, the final message we received from Pyrewatch said it never arrived. And we haven't heard from them since. We need to find that medicine - fast! - and discover why they're gone silent.
We used to be called something else, but had to change our name due to, uh, legal reasons. Anyway reasons.Anyway, I met Fornax some time ago and it seemed that, like our order, he too stood for a reforging of the Pyromancers image. If you see him again, do pass the word along that I would like to meet with him. Until then, we will continue to work to counter Tyrandius Tyndarius and his Onslaught.
We have in our possession ancient texts which tell of the eldest creatures to roam this world. The First Phoenix, the Great Shadowborn, the -- I digress. But theses texts, I believe, will be the key to defeating Tyrandius, to stripping him of power. I just wish I knew WHERE such strength and power came from. But several months before the Breaking, the Onslaught was formed, and since then… Nothing has been the same.
- Pyrewatch Armory
- Pyralis' Quests
After completing the 'Friends of Pyrewatch Peak' quest:
ArchMage, Order of the Burnt Phoenix
Well… THIS is not promising! Clearly the Firestorm Onslaught is here, and more are coming every minute. From what the Squad Leader here says, we don't get in until we can prove we're friends. Seems the Onslaught's been trying to con their way in.
We used to be called something else, but had to change our name due to, uh, legal reasons. Anyway reasons.Anyway, I met Fornax some time ago and it seemed that, like our order, he too stood for a reforging of the Pyromancers image. If you see him again, do pass the word along that I would like to meet with him. Until then, we will continue to work to counter Tyrandius Tyndarius and his Onslaught.
We have in our possession ancient texts which tell of the eldest creatures to roam this world. The First Phoenix, the Great Shadowborn, the -- I digress. But theses texts, I believe, will be the key to defeating Tyrandius, to stripping him of power. I just wish I knew WHERE such strength and power came from. But several months before the Breaking, the Onslaught was formed, and since then… Nothing has been the same.
- Pyrewatch Armory
- Pyralis' Quests
After completing the 'A Salve to Soothe' quest:
ArchMage, Order of the Burnt Phoenix
You know things are bad when even the beasts flee from Tyrandius' army… but we can't let them threaten the sick! It's bad for their recovery. Please speak to Asher Murkblade.. he needs your help!
We used to be called something else, but had to change our name due to, uh, legal reasons. Anyway reasons.Anyway, I met Fornax some time ago and it seemed that, like our order, he too stood for a reforging of the Pyromancers image. If you see him again, do pass the word along that I would like to meet with him. Until then, we will continue to work to counter Tyrandius Tyndarius and his Onslaught.
We have in our possession ancient texts which tell of the eldest creatures to roam this world. The First Phoenix, the Great Shadowborn, the -- I digress. But theses texts, I believe, will be the key to defeating Tyrandius, to stripping him of power. I just wish I knew WHERE such strength and power came from. But several months before the Breaking, the Onslaught was formed, and since then… Nothing has been the same.
- Pyrewatch Armory
After completing the 'Spreading Like Wildfire' quest:
ArchMage, Order of the Burnt Phoenix
If we're seeing the explosion from this far away, the attacks on Feverfew must be MASSIVE! They need you, Hero, but to go into such danger unprepared… would be unwise. I have been working with the Feverfew priests and with Skira to create something that may do the trick. A little bit of this, a little bit of that, and a little bit of AquaPyrrus should do the trick. You'll want to drink as much of it as you can before you go.
We used to be called something else, but had to change our name due to, uh, legal reasons. Anyway reasons.Anyway, I met Fornax some time ago and it seemed that, like our order, he too stood for a reforging of the Pyromancers image. If you see him again, do pass the word along that I would like to meet with him. Until then, we will continue to work to counter Tyrandius Tyndarius and his Onslaught.
We have in our possession ancient texts which tell of the eldest creatures to roam this world. The First Phoenix, the Great Shadowborn, the -- I digress. But theses texts, I believe, will be the key to defeating Tyrandius, to stripping him of power. I just wish I knew WHERE such strength and power came from. But several months before the Breaking, the Onslaught was formed, and since then… Nothing has been the same.
- Pyrewatch Armory
- Pyralis' Quests