«Scene A location in Greenguard»
«Screen fades in with The Hero and a bunch of other heroes, adventurers and citizens»
Hero: Alright, everyone! I know it's a race to get to the top of the Panjat Pinang pole, but…
«Screen shifts to the top of the Panjat Pinang pole»
Hero: None of us is THAT tall! Anyone have a ladder? Maybe a giant horc we can climb on top of?
«Screen shifts back to the Hero and while some individuals shrug»
Hero: No? Then I guess it's up to me to be the base of an omni-hero pyramid.
Hero: We WILL get that gear. We just have to work together!
«Screen changes to the players climbing and holding on each other on the Panjat Pinang pole»
Grazelda: That looks hard.
Missy-lou: Ya.
«Screen moves slowly to the top of the Panjat Pinang pole»
Uulen: Al… most…. got it…
«Screen suddenly pops up Twig on the Panjat Pinang pole»
Twig: I wins!
«Screen Panjat Pinang pole unbalances due to Twig and the whole pole falls down bringing down Twig, heroes and the adventurers»
Twig: I guess twying to get aww da geaw mysewf wasn't in the spiwit of the howiday, was it, Hewo?
Hero: Not really, Twig. But you DID help the rest of us reach the prizes.
Hero: So you DID help! And THAT is what we're supposed to do on Panjat Pinang!
«Screen shows the Hero carrying Twig on the back while everyone cheers»
«Screen fades»