- Kala (Location) - Plays after joining the location for the first time per login before completing the 'Thirst Quencher' quest
«Scene: D Black Star, Hero, and Ves standing on Screen 1 of Kala»
D Black Star: Eyo, Ves! Hiya, <Hero>! You heard about the Pentas Wayang Kulit this afternoon?
Ves: Wait, really? A puppet show?! Sounds fun! I haven't been to one of those since I was little. But don't they usually begin at night?
D Black Star: The puppet master seems pretty nervous. Maybe he's got stage fright and wants to get things started early.
Hero: Do I need to bring anything? Snacks? Anti-puppet beating sticks? These things won't attack us… right?
Ves: Probably not! Buuuuuut… I just remembered that there will ALSO be a full Solar Eclipse this afternoon, too!
Hero: Uh oh. I know what a solar eclipse means.
D Black Star: Me, too! It means I'm going to need SUNGLASSES! You should never stare directly at a solar eclipse.
Hero: …Right. I know how these things work. This sounds like a set-up for a cursed puppet show.
Hero: You find us sunglasses. I'll bring the puppet-bashing gear. And double snacks.
«Scene fades»
Next: Batara Guru's Tale