Welcome to the wonderful world of the Public Test Realm.
Everything contained in this sub-section of the AQWWiki is only available on the PTR and is thus subject to change, may not be released, is full of bugs, and is prone to catastrophic failure. As such, all pages relating to the PTR are held here to keep the other pages safe.
Server removed.
Server added.
Must be level 40 or higher, and have a confirmed email address on your account to access this server.
- Monsters do not drop any items
- Login location is /classtesthub, not /battleon
The server is used to test classes (More Info):
- CTR Aegis and CTR Zodiac classes
- The classes will constantly change to use whatever class/skills we are testing at the time
- CTR classes don't work outside of this game server
- The classes will constantly change to use whatever class/skills we are testing at the time
Server added.
Used to test the following things:
- Faster server calls to game database (very small speed boost)
- Item Drops that are stackable, and already in your Bag will auto-add to your Bag without drop prompt.
- Accepting drops that are stackable items already in your Bank will update the stack in your Bank.
- Better syncing of your current Gold/XP/ACs amount with game data.
Server removed.
Server added.
Used to test the following changes:
- Fixed using your last Magic Treasure Chest key not freeing up inventory slot.
- Fixed Bag and House slots not freeing up, when selling AC items, and using Merge shop.
Server removed.
Server added.
Used to test the following changes:
- Preventing skill spam cheating in PVP
- Faster monster respawn when server is not busy.
- Less chance of getting disconnected when game client spams the server.
Server removed.
Server added.
Used to test the following changes:
- Collecting Item Drops too fast will not disconnect you.
- When session is kicked from multi-login, the client will show a more helpful message.
- When trying to join a map that has a broken room instance, there is a better chance now of getting assigned to a working instance of the map, instead of nothing happening.
Server removed.
Server created.
Used to test the following changes:
- Selling items when you are at the max gold cap will refund zero gold, but the item will be removed from your inventory. Fixes house item selling bug.
- In PVP zones, it is no longer allowed to Get items from your Bank. You can store items, but can not swap or pull items from Bank.
- Better warning messages when guild, party, and friend actions fail.
- Buying items that are higher than your character level are blocked.
- Item drops from monsters will now have an enhancement level equal to your char level unless the item is higher than your char level. It will not be enhanced.
- If you try to go to a player house that does not exist, and you already own a home, you will get a warning message, instead of going to the buyhouse map.
- Removed an old hidden process that would often lag the entire system every 15 minutes.
- Faster server reboot time.
Server added again. Used to test enhancing / equipping / unequipping items and houses, guild commands, adding and removing friends, and quest turn-in.
Server removed.
Server removed.
Server created.
Legend only Combat Test PTR. Evil Sir Ver was updated to get the new coding. Players are able to get any class to test the new changes AE Staff are currently planning at /testinghub. Such stat changes are taken in effect for Evil Sir Ver:
- Parry and Resist were added to the game. Both work the same way, but parry is for physical attacks, and resist is for magical attacks. When you parry or resist an attack you reduce the damage done by an amount based on your parry/resist stat.
- Strength increases physical attack power, the amount of damage reduced by a parry, and for melee classes the amount of extra damage you get from a crit.
- Intelligence increases magical attack power, and reduces damage from a resist instead of a parry.
- Endurance still increases HP like before, but also reduces the incoming damage from all attacks. The higher your endurance the less damage you take from attacks.
- Dexterity and Wisdom are largely the same, except Dex works for melees and Wis for mages. These stats increase dodge, hit chance, haste, and crit chance for their respective classes.
- Dexterity increases parry chance, and Wisdom increases resist chance.
Wisdom has one more effect - increasing all healing output. The goal here is to make Wis a healing stat.
- Luck has been significantly changed. Luck now has a very small effect on hit chance, dodge, and crit chance for most classes.
- Luck has a major effect on Luck-based classes: Cardclasher, Leprechaun, and a few others. (Luck enhancements are designed to work best this those classes. Mages and Fighters will want to use Strength or Int from here on out.)
- New User Interface (UI) was released to the public on the User Interface Public Test Realm.
- Guild Halls have now been re-added for all players on all servers. (Source)
- Guild City Founder House Item and "PTR Guild City Tester" Book of Lore/Character Page Badge released to those who participated in this test. (Source)
- Legends can join the Private Test Realm server on Evil Sir Ver to begin testing – and BREAKING – the new Guild Cities functionality.
- Guild Leaders can /join GuildHall to create the first plot of land in your Guild City!
- During the PTR, Guild Leaders and Officers can expand their Guild City buy purchasing more plots of land for gold. When Guild Cities release to all servers, those extra areas will cost AdventureCoins.
- Each area of the City has a customizable path which allows the Guild Leader and Guild Officers to connect extra plots of land to it.
- All Guild Members (Leaders, Officers, and Recruits) are allowed to buy buildings for their Guild City.
- All Guild Items (Buildings, plots of land, Guild Hall decorations, etc) remain with the Guild Member if they leave the Guild.
- Guild Leaders can place Guild Items owned by their Guild Members, but will lose access to those items if the Guild Member leaves the Guild.
- During the PTR, Guild Cities may be reset, but Guild Members will not lose any items they’ve purchased.
- Ownership of a Guild cannot be transferred. Officers can continue to run the Guild, or it can be disbanded and recreated with a new Leader.
- Guild Leaders can view the Guild Inventories of their Guild Members. (Guild Leader ability only.)
- /Guildreset – only Guild Leader can use, resets Guild back to nothing. We're not sure what will happen… so if you do it, log and and back in to see what happens!
- Leaders and Officers can buy, place anything. Recruits can only buy and use shop items, cannot place them.
- Guilded Scythe and "PTR Guild Tester" Book of Lore/Character Page Badge released to those who participated in this test. (Source)
- Guild features has been updated:
- Type /gp <player name> to promote a player in your guild. Only the promoted player can see a message, promoting a promoted player will spam the following message: "<player name> cannot be promoted any higher".
- Type /gd <player name> to demote a player in your guild. Only the demoted player can see a message, demoting the lowest member of the guild will spam the following message: "<player name> cannot be demoted any lower".
- Guild PTR has been added, however guild button on settings still not present. During PTR Testing you can create a guild for free. The following commands are acceptable for your guild:
- Type /gc <name> to create a guild
- Type /gi <player name> to invite a player for your guild.
- Type /gr <player name> to remove a player from your guild.
- Type /g to activate guild chat and /s or /1 to deactivate it.
- Type /guild to bring up the list of guild members and what server they're on
- Type /motd to show guild's message of the day.
- Type /motd <message> to either create or override a new message of the day only if you have enough rank to use that command
- PTR Lag Flame and "PTR Lag Tester" Book of Lore/Character Page Badge released to those who participated in this test. (Source)
- Combat was disabled for a short period of time.
- More lag/bug fixes. (Source)
- More fixes are rolled out to address the issue of random disconnects as well as a potentially significant portion of the lag in general. (Source)
- NaN bug fixed. (Source)
- More lag fixes announced, which include inventory load times, login lag, fixing the friends list, and logging, tracking, and tracing the causes of AQW's lag. (Source)
- Guild List button has been added on options panel but it was removed a few minutes later.
- Lag PTR server released. (Source)
07/20/12 (Source)
- Lag fixes introduced to all servers.
- Alchemy and Fishing tradeskills are disabled from 07/20/12 to 07/23/12, to see if they caused any of the lag increase.
- Link to first PTR does not work.
Here is the link to the PTR server (PTR was found on the standard server list now Evil Sir Ver replaced it).
- Most enhancements received new names, however only the names changed; the stats themselves have not changed
- Chatbox now extends to show more chat history
- Necromancer's bug has been fixed
- Various interface improvements
- Balancing changes to the overall game
- Class damage nerf
- Boss damage buff, making killing bosses an actual challenge
- Boss HP buff, same as above
- Warrior's PS now has a 15 second cooldown, and does regular critical damage
- New Enhancement: Charmed
- Spitfire removed. It is now built into member enhancements (mem enhancements have a chance to cast fireballs)
- Necromancer (PTR) is now rare due to the change in enhancement shops
- All daggers are dual wielded on PTR and have new attack animations
- Unarmed weapon has a new set of attack animations
- All polearms have new attack animations
- Various interface changes
- The Armsman enhancement pattern has been removed from the game. It still technically exists and works, but it will not be a class category in the future.
- Sniper has been renamed Zealot.
- Weapon Proc's are being added - Spitfire is now in the lvl 20 Enhancement Shop.
Battleon (PTR)
PvP Arena
Bludrut Brawl (PTR)
Artix (Location)
Team A Captain (PTR)
Team B Captain (PTR)
Team A Captain (BB)
(A) Defensive Restorer (BB)
(A) Brawler (BB)
Team B Captain (BB)
(B) Defensive Restorer (BB)
(B) Brawler (BB)
Potion Shop
Necromancer (PTR)

Health Potion (1)
Scroll of Chain Lightning
Other Info
PTR Enhancements Updated with new enhancements