Priest of the Black Sun
The Prophecy of the Black Hole Sun tells of a hero who will enter the pyramid and change its destiny. You've read the part that tells of inverting the pyramid's energy so that it creates, rather than consumes, solar energy. But that path is not set in stone, and there is another, better path I would like to set you on.
Do Go On
Part of the prophecy - a part that Sekt has hidden from everyone - says that the Scepter and Flail of Yasaris, the Ancient God of the Inverted Sun, can be used to create balance within the pyramid. With them, the pyramid could form a symbiotic relationship with a sun, rather than a parasitic one. The energy would flow in both directions, and we would no longer need to devour suns to survive.
And My Role?
The Scepter and Flail can only be wielded by a Priest of the Black Sun- that would be me. However, whoever wields these items would become powerful beyond measure. To keep them from falling into the wrong hands, their guardian will only give them to the Hero of the Prophecy - that would be you. So, if I am to obtain them, I will need your help.
Yes, I would become the most powerful being in the pyramid. Needless to say, this means my plan has a lot of opposition, including Sekt - which is why he hid that part of the Propecy. But not YOU, though, right? You'll help me because you want to stop all of this senseless planet-slaughter.
- Ptahmun's Quests
- 4D Pyramid Rep
After completing the 'Well, Go Get the Sac, Then!' quest:
Priest of the Black Sun
Prove to Serepthys that you are worthy of the Scepter and the Flail. Take the Preserved Venom Sac of Mehensi of Anubyx to Serepthys and she might grant you access to the next area.
After completing the 'Charge the Spear' quest:
Priest of the Black Sun
Prove to Serepthys that you are worthy of the Scepter and the Flail. Take the Charged Spear of Anubyx to Serepthys and she might grant you access to the next area.
After completing the 'Charge the Pedestral' quest:
Priest of the Black Sun
Prove to Serepthys that you are worthy of the Scepter and the Flail. Take the Crystal of Haloth to Serepthys and she might grant you access to the next area.
After completing the 'Find the Spirit Knife' quest:
Priest of the Black Sun
Prove to Serepthys that you are worthy of the Scepter and the Flail. Take the Heart of Ptuhmnu to Serepthys and she might grant you access to the next area.
After completing the 'An Offering to the Baboon Guardian' quest:
Priest of the Black Sun
I can't believe it! Serepthys still won't open the door? She never intended to let you in at all - she assumed you would fail! If we're going to retrieve the Scepter and Flail of Yasaris, we will have to defeat her.
After completing the 'Battle Serepthys' quest:
Priest of the Black Sun
Together, we have succeeded! But who knows if this is over - Sekt is sure to be unhappy about it, and he has a lot of loyal followers here. Only time will tell.
Location: Yasaris
- Also see:

Thanks to Apus and GENGSTUPID.
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