Professor Ghoulliver's Quests

Quest Location: Necro U
Quests Begun From: Professor Ghoulliver
Note: These quests can only be completed once.

Requirements: Must have completed the 'An IDeal Seal' quest.

Undead are not, as a rule, allowed to talk. Many minions disregard this rule. Because there are so many minions, we ask that all students enforce this rule whenever possible. Remember - "If they aren't saying "ARREEOO", you know what to do!" Silence 10 Ghouls to demonstrate your ability to apply this school statute.

Items Required:


  • 4,000 Gold
  • 13,000 Exp
  • 1,500 Rep : DoomWood

Thanks to SirBlackAxe and Tendou no Mazo.

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