Prismatic Cat's Tail (1)
- Prismatic Cat's Tail
- Prismatic Cat's Tail 15
- Prismatic Cat's Tail 14
- Prismatic Cat's Tail 13
- Prismatic Cat's Tail 12
- Prismatic Cat's Tail 11
- Prismatic Cat's Tail 10
Price: N/A
- Merge the following:
- Golden Ticket x500
Sellback: 0 Gold
Rarity: Seasonal Item Rarity
Description: Cattails are good luck, especially when they're attached to your back & are color custom to match your skin tone! Happy Lucky Day!
Note: Also see Prismatic Cat's Tail (2).
Thanks to Ashley_1, Xia, Yuiko Isami and 1c3 r3b0rn.