Rebellious Princess of Swordhaven
Don't you DARE spoil my disguise, Hero! I know you know what's going on, but Father does NOT. And he won't, not if I can help it. Can you imagine ME living the life Brittany wants? Really? And, speaking of that… I need your help with something after you take care of this little… mess with the Knights.
We should team up sometime, you know! I bet we could make a killing in Greenguard Forest. Literally! I've seen your sword arm in action. You could do great things, if you were my sidekick! … What? I'm too famous to be the sidekick! Just kidding, Hero. *wink*
- Can only be accessed at Tournament of Hearts after completing the 'Find the Princesses!' quest.
- Also see:
Thanks to Eldant, Peachii, rickyb20, Tendou no Mazo and Zero IX.
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