Dragon Priestess
Alteon has succumbed to Chaos, but some core within him still fights it. I cannot imagine the strength it is taking him to remain as sane as he is. Which is, truthfully, not much. I fear for him, and for us all! You must hurry to contain his power, Hero!
- Lady Celestia's QuestsTalk
The dragon has always been the symbol of King Alteon's family. The Priests of the Dragon suspect dragon blood may ever run in his veins, if only a thin stream. You see the fascination his youngest daughter has with them.
- Royal Rares

- Wedding Presents
After completing Lady Celestia's Quests:
Dragon Priestess
The dragon has arisen, Hero, and Alteon has succumbed completely. I do not know if any part of the King we knew and loved remains inside the shell you see. With Chaos and draconic powers combined… Prepare yourself for the coming battle while I consult my texts.

- Wedding Presents
Location: Ceremony
- Originally introduced as the NPC Priestess Celestia in DragonFable.
- Must have completed Roald's Quests in order to see this NPC's dialogue.
- Also see Lady Celestia.

Thanks to rickyb20.
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