Previously in AdventureQuest Worlds… DOOMWOOD
«All scenes are in gray-scale and have a scratchy filter on them»
«Paladin casting a spell»
The Paladins fought against a horrifying new threat…
«Vordred gets the spell, but nullifies it and turns the Paladin into an undead.»
VORDRED, the PaladinSlayer… a undead skull-covered knight, who is immune to light based magic and has been turning Paladins undead, addding them to his army.
«The Hero stands in front of Lightguard Keep»
The King sent the greatest hero in the land to prevent the same fate from befalling Artic… who used the ultimate anti-Paladin technique - "Hey, look! Your shoe's untied!"
«The Hero points, and Artix fails to resist looking down»
«Artix in jail, Vayle outside, standing guard»
The Hero imprisoned Artix for his own safety while Vayle (former apprentice to the necromancer Noxus) guarded him and kept his axe, the Blinding Light of Destiny, "safe."
«Hero, with Noxus and Sally»
Noxus and the the Pink Necromantress Sally revealed that they created VORDRED and his destiny was to beome the Champion of Darkness… if he could defeat the current one. Whoever that is…
Back at the jail, Artix escaped, and Vayle holds up the Blinding Light of Destiny»
The Artix's battleaxe, the Blinding Light of Destiny, revealed his most guarded secret. But not long before VORDRED corrupted the weapon creating the ShadowReaper of Doom!
«Vordred takes the axe, corrupting it»
«Dracolich, with Artix in his mouth»
Artix, a sworn protector of Good, trusted the hero with his "darkest" secret.
«The Hero touches Artix's shoulder and sees all the Spirit Orbs around them»
«Shadowfall castle, Noxus, Vordred, and Gravelyn there»
VORDRED and his Master Noxus, assaulted the Forstress of Shadowfall, taking the throne from Gravleyn and turning her army of the undead against her.
«Noxus turns Gravelyn's army of the undead against her»
«Noxus now on throne, Gravelyn prisoner»
In a daring, and most unexpected rescure, the Hero and the skull known as Chuckles returned power to Gravelyn. Noxus's skull was used to make a staff.
«Vordred on a cliff»
The showdown between Vordred and Artix began…
«Vordred and Artix battle, unleashing their shadows»
During the epic battle, all secrets were revealed and the Blinding light of Destiny was destroyed!
«The shadows of Vordred and Artix grow.»
<The screen turns gray»
«Vordred is then defeated by Gravelyn»
There are many stories of how the legendary battle ended… but it is what happened AFTER that is truly horrifying….
«Sally cries in the Necropolis»
"We can rebuild him. BIGGER. STRONGER. MORE SKULLS!!!!"
«Drakath appears and gives Sally Vordred's skull, Sally picks it up, smiles»
Coming next week…
Whispers of the Darkness Lord
The BattleAxe will be reforged. The most powerful being darkness being OF ALL TIME will rise. It will start out as you are hoping… but it will not go as you expect. Things will become crazy… then get crazier… than it will get MORE crazy.. then it will just compeltely get out of control. You were warned. Oh… be sure you played ALL OF DOOMWOOD PART 1 before next Friday (Use your map to get there)!
«Clicking on "DOOOM!" then closes the cutscene.»
Next: Gravelyn's Dream