Museum Showcase House
If we added a wing to the Museum (or a Museum Showcase House) with displays for unlocked classes or other select endgame / permanent / or seasonal items… what would YOU like to display? (No definite plans for release; just gauging interest.)
More Information
- Classes
- Weapons
- Pets
- End-game Items
- Ground Runes
- Saga-specific "relics" (ex: Escherion's Runix Cube)
1,418 votes
- Classes: 37.94%
- Weapons: 16.01%
- Pets: 8.67%
- End-game Items: 19.96%
- Ground Runes: 4.44%
- Saga-specific "relics" (ex: Escherion's Runix Cube): 12.98%
Start Date: October 11, 2023
End Date: October 17, 2023
Type: Multiple Choice (choose many)