Polished Dragon Blade

- Birthday Treasures - Vasalkar's Lair
- DragonSlayer Treasures - Dragon's Altar
- DragonSlayer Treasures - Vasalkar's Lair
Price: 1,000 AC
- First 24 Hours: 900 AC
- After 24 Hours: 250 AC
Rarity: Awesome Rarity
Base Level: 12
Base Damage: 27-33
Description: This weapon was made for hunting the most fearsome beasts of Lore! And we aren't talking about Sneevils or Zards here…
- When equipped, this item provides a 1% bonus to Reputation gained from quests and does 50% more damage to Dragon Monsters.
- Also see List of all Dragon Blades.

Thanks to MagicImpulse.