Polarwyrm Rider
Location: Frost Deep
Level: 20
Difficulty: 3 stars
Total HP: 1,430
- Bite: 21-27
- Icicle Spit: 21-27
Temporary Items Dropped:
- Spark of Hope (Dropped during the 'Rays Of Hope' quest)
- Tainted Wyrm Scale (Dropped during the 'Frozen Venom' quest)
- Tinsel's Cape Bow (Dropped during the 'Tinsel's Cape Gift' and 'Tinsel's Pet Gift' quests)
- Tinsel's First Armor Bow (Dropped during the 'Tinsel's First Armor Gift' and 'Tinsel's First Sword Gift' quests)
- Tinsel's First Helm Bow (Dropped during the 'Tinsel's First Helm Gift' and 'Tinsel's Helm Gift' quests)
- Tinsel's Pet Bow (Dropped during the 'Tinsel's Pet Gift' quest)
- Tinsel's Second Armor Gift (Dropped during the 'Tinsel's Armor Gift' and 'Tinsel's Second Armor Gift' quests)
- Tinsel's Second Helm Gift (Dropped during the 'Tinsel's Second Helm Gift' and 'Tinsel's Second Sword Gift' quests)
- Tinsel's Sword Bow (Dropped during the 'Tinsel's First Sword Gift' quest)
- Tinsel's Third Armor Bow (Dropped during the 'Tinsel's Cape Gift' and 'Tinsel's Third Armor Gift' quests)
- Vestigial Wyrm Toe (Dropped during the 'FrostDeep Dwellers' quest)
Items Dropped:
- Also see:
Thanks to Shal and Zero IX.
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