Phoenix Blade of Nulgath
Location: Yulgar's Dual Wield Drop Off - Nostalgia Quest
Price: N/A
- Reward from the following quests:
- Merge the following:
Sellback: 0 AC
Rarity: Weird Rarity
Base Damage: 11-49
Description: Nulgath twists the powers within the Phoenix Blade to bend to your will. It is now under your control.
- Gems and Glow are Color Custom to Accessory Color.
- Inscription in Greek translates to "miltoniusreceiveseverythinghedesires".
- Inscription in Nulgath font translates to "MILTONPOOLDANG".
- Previously called "Phoenix Blade of Miltonius".
- Used to merge Dual Phoenix Blade of Nulgath.
- Also see List of all Phoenix Blades.
Thanks to L0re, The Legendary Hero and Xia.