Pesugihan Boar (Monster)

Location: Wentira
Level: 50
Difficulty: 4 stars
Total HP: 6,000
- Headbutt: 113-137
- Kick: 113-137
Temporary Items Dropped:
- Boar Leather (Dropped during the 'Boarish Audacity' quest)
- Boar Tusk (Dropped during the 'Ritual Greed' quest)
Items Dropped:
- Actin' a Foal
- Beloved Blessing Hair
- Beloved Blessing Locks
- Blessed Beloved's Kris Knife
- Broken Tusk
- Burgle Bag
- Burgle Bags
- Candle Cane
- Dish of Abundance
- Feathered Bone Embellishment
- Gold Nugget
- Greedy Pet Boar
- Maned Pesugihan Boar
- Pesugihan Boar Morph
- Sheathed Blessed Beloved's Kris
- Treasure Chest (Misc)
- Uncut Ruby
- Wentiran Seal
- Wiracana Fan
- Also see:

Thanks to Anonymous Joe.
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