Centaur 21 Quasi-Real Estate Agent
Greetings! Would you like to buy your own home? Or perhaps decorate your home with our new house items? Once you buy a house you can go there by clicking on the gold house button at the bottom right of your screen. You can go to someone else's house by typing /house <name>. If you see an item in a shop with x1 beside it, that means you can purchase more than one of those items - one at a time, though!
- House Shop
- House Item Shop (Furniture)
- House Item Shop (Other)
- House Item Shop (Wall)
Location: Centaur 21
- You can Buy Bag Spaces from here, 1 Bag Slot: 200 ACs or 10 Bag Slots: 2,000 ACs. Max Slots: 450.
- You can Buy Bank Slots from here, 1 Bank Slot 200 ACs or 10 Bag Slots: 2,000 ACs. Max Slots: 650.
- You can Buy House Slots from here, 1 House Slot: 200 ACs or 10 Bag Slots: 2,000 ACs. Max Slots: 250.
Thanks to Burn and .Shadow//.
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