Paul & Storm's Quests

Jump to: Lightovia, Chaos Farm

Quest Location: Lightovia
Quests Begun From: Paul & Storm
Note: These quests can only be completed once.

Requirements: Must have completed the 'Get the List!' quest

Lightovia is home to a pack of fearless werewolves ruled by Queen Safiria. If you hope to get the Crown of Blood, it is probably best you clear a path through those rabid mutts first. Defeat 10 War Lycans and show us that you are the top dog!

Items Required:

  • War Lycan Defeated x10


  • 150 Gold
  • 150 Exp

Thanks to Hina.

Quest Location: Chaos Farm
Quests Begun From: Paul & Storm

Requirements: Must have completed the 'Crown of Blood' quest

The Nugget Man is resposinsible for distorting this once stinky farm into a chaotically stinky farm. He feeds his livestock Chaos Corn, which is not the most organic of feeds out there. As you can see, it has chaorrupted everything on these lands! Gather 10 ears of Chaos Corn and bring them back to us so we can… I dunno… make Chaos Corinfritters?

Items Required:


  • 250 Gold
  • 250 Exp

Thanks to Hina.

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