Paddylump's Quests

Jump to: Mudluk Village, Daily Quests.

Quest Location: Mudluk Village
Quests Begun From: Paddylump
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Find Paddy Lump' quest.
Note: These quests can be only completed once.

Mudluks not used to strangers. That why they hide in huts and swamp. U must win Mudluk trust first before you get Rod of Defiance. A gift be nice start. Mudluks love wear shiny Swamp Lurker Teeth. Bring Paddylump 10 Swamp Lurker Teeth and me give to village for you!

Items Required:


Thanks to Hina.

Quest Location: Mudluk Village
Quests Begun From: Paddylump
Requirement: Must have completed the 'Gates and Guardians' quest.
Note: This quest can only be completed once a day.

Murp burp! Mudluks be hungry again. We no want fleas. We want good nomnoms. U get spuchul foods for Paddylump and Paddylump gives U spuchul Reputation 'n stuff. Cloister Tree is full of Acornents and Karasu that haz delish noms. U bring Paddylump 15 Wiggly Worms and 10 MegaMites from bad Cloister baddies and U get quest complete!

Items Required:



Thanks to Hina and Megenhos.

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