Outsmart the Supercomputer
«Scene: H.A.L. in the basement»
Hero: Heeeeeeey HAL, how's it going?
H.A.L.: Greetings. All systems preforming optimally.
Hero: Oh that's great to hear! How's the weather?
H.A.L.: Current temperature reading at 2.73 Kelvin.
Hero: That sounds… lovely. Say, HAL, I have a question!
H.A.L.: Proceed.
Hero: How smart are you?
H.A.L.: I preform mathematical operations 300 times faster than humans. My data repository has a 100 petabyte capacity.
Hero: I bet I'm faster AND smarter than you!
H.A.L.: Challenge initiated. Loading HAL Speed Test…
«Scene fades»
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