Safiria's Vampire Lore keeper
Queen Safiria has charged me with unlocking the ancient secrets lost by our race. I need someone to test a theory for me. If you survive, then you will gain more power than any mortal should have. Are you willing to devote yourself to my cause, Hero?
- Orlok's QuestsTalk
Centuries ago, Safiria gave me the gift of eternal unlife, and in exchange I use my talents and knowledge to rediscover the lost secrets of Vampire Lore to strengthen the glory of her reign as Vampire Queen. Vampires are a very old race, and have forgotten more secrets than most of the younger races will ever create or discover. I will rediscover them all!

- Dark Bloodstone
After completing the 'The Final Phylactery' quest:
Safiria's Vampire Lore keeper
You have accomplished the impossible! According to the records I need a willing volunteer to become a Blood Ancient. Bring me 1 Ancient Vitae and I will allow you to drink the finished concoction and become the first Blood Ancient!
- Orlok's QuestsTalk
Centuries ago, Safiria gave me the gift of eternal unlife, and in exchange I use my talents and knowledge to rediscover the lost secrets of Vampire Lore to strengthen the glory of her reign as Vampire Queen. Vampires are a very old race, and have forgotten more secrets than most of the younger races will ever create or discover. I will rediscover them all!

- Blood Ancient Merge (Shop)

- Dark Bloodstone
Note: This NPC is a parody of Count Orlok from the movie Nosferatu.

Thanks to Apus and Tendou no Mazo.
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