- At BattleCon / Vendor Booths
- At Battleon
- At Battleon Town
- At Bloodtusk Ravine
- At Event Hub
- At Fear Feast
- At Feast War
- At Furble Feast
- At Harvest
- At Harvest Zombie
- At Killer Kitchen
- At Mana Harvest
- At Memento
- At Yulgar's Inn
Caffeine Potion Vendor
Hey, why are you vibrating like that? Oh, silly me - you're not the one who's vibrating! I am! I've had so much caffeine. You should have some too, otherwise you'll never stay awake through the entire con!
Nothing is more important than making sure you stay alert, especially with all these zombies and skeletons roaming around! Now that I think about it, maybe some health and mana potions would help you too. Want some?

During 2012:
Grand Master Lunch Lady
It's Pancake Day! If you're hungry for adventure but need a bite to eat first, make your way to Yulgar's Inn for the fattest feast in Lore! I'll be flippin' cakes from the griddle to your plate!
During 2011:
Grand Master Lunch Lady
Hi There, March 8th, 2011 is PANCAKE DAY an I'll be in Yulgar's Inn all week celebrating with special seasonal RARE items! Just.. uh… watch out.
Battle Chef of the Feast
Oh, *Hero*, I'm so glad you're here! Today was going to be crazy enough with the normal feast shenanigans, but with a WAR on… YOU do battle out there; my cleaver's doing double-time prepping all the food for tonight.
Oh, and if you happen to come across any eggs, mind bringing me a few my way? I *really* want an omelette now…
Before completing She Who Answers' Quests:
Culinary Adept
Hi there! I'm so glad you chose The Restaurant on the Ravine! We're a VERY high-class establishment, I can assure you. You'll find the freshest ingredients, the most attentive wait staff, and… ME! Your Master Chef, ready to craft a culinary concoction which will let you palate experience… perfection!
I… there is something… less than happy. Less than… tasteful… in the buffet that is our society. But I won't go into that now, unless you really want to. If you prefer to learn your way around the kitchen, then I'd be happy to share some of my recipes with you!Rumors
I have… worries… about Bachius. He does not take his meals with the rest of us. He eats alone, or with the young Trolls who flock to hear him speak and sing. The elders, they don't know that, don't see it. But the young ones, they talk while they eat. He is preparing something… I fear for continuance of the uneasy peace we have with the Horcs.More Rumors
Trolls have always been great strategists. We pride ourselves on our ability to play Tschach. There is no better feeling when your Shaman takes your Elder! Bachius, with his… blend… of skills, knows how to apply superior Troll strategy to a more… brutish combat ability. But we don't like to talk about that.
- Cooking Lessons Shop
- Oishii's Cooking
- Oishii's Quests
After completing She Who Answers' Quests:
Culinary Adept
Feast on peace, Hero! I hope you will one day dine in Bloodtusk again! With Khasaanda and Krellenos gone, I will need a new guinea pig. Hopefully Samba will start coming by EVERY day! Unless YOU want the job? You could stand to gain some weight, I think! You must eat more on the battlefield!
I… there is something… less than happy. Less than… tasteful… in the buffet that is our society. But I won't go into that now, unless you really want to. If you prefer to learn your way around the kitchen, then I'd be happy to share some of my recipes with you!Rumors
I have… worries… about Bachius. He does not take his meals with the rest of us. He eats alone, or with the young Trolls who flock to hear him speak and sing. The elders, they don't know that, don't see it. But the young ones, they talk while they eat. He is preparing something… I fear for continuance of the uneasy peace we have with the Horcs.More Rumors
Trolls have always been great strategists. We pride ourselves on our ability to play Tschach. There is no better feeling when your Shaman takes your Elder! Bachius, with his… blend… of skills, knows how to apply superior Troll strategy to a more… brutish combat ability. But we don't like to talk about that.

Grandmaster Lunch Lady, the OG Troll, Definer of DragonFable's Art Style
Ooooh, good, you're HERE! It's that time of year again: our seasonal Harvest Fest celebration is back, with a buffet of bosses and a bountiful crop of farming rewards for you toi plow through. Are you ready to get your feast on? I hope so - I've got so many recipes cooking that you'll want to work up a gigantic appetite. Go, go, SHOOO! I have more prep work to do before dessert. Ooooh, I LOVE Harvest Fest!
Grandmaster Feast Maker, Holiday Troll
Ooooh, it's GOOD to see you again! Have you recovered from all the Harvest feasting? I sure hope so, because 'tis the season for delicious holiday DESSERTS to celebrate Frostval and all of this month's birthdays.

Grandmaster Lunch Lady
Thankstaking is at stake this year, Hero! Unless we cure this pumpkin plague, the Harvest Festival will be ruined! Talk to the sisters to find out what is going on!
Yes?Pumpkin Spice?
Pumpkin spice can be a GREAT force, if used for good! But this Gourdello seems intent on giving it a bad name! We've got to turn things around, <Hero>!Cauldron Sisters?
I don't usually brew potions - they're not tasty enough! But I'm glad you have friends that can help us out! Maybe I can learn a new trick or two!Mogloween?
Ooh, candy! But don't forget to balance it out with a healthy diet of fruits and vegetables!Thankstaking?
Mogloween isn't exactly my speciality… but there's no dish that I can't cook up!
After obtaining Pumpkin Spice Elixir v4.0:
Grandmaster Lunch Lady
Thankstaking is at stake this year, Hero! Unless we cure this pumpkin plague, the Harvest Festival will be ruined!
Yes?Pumpkin Spice?
Pumpkin spice can be a GREAT force, if used for good! But this Gourdello seems intent on giving it a bad name! We've got to turn things around, <Hero>!Cauldron Sisters?
I don't usually brew potions - they're not tasty enough! But I'm glad you have friends that can help us out! Maybe I can learn a new trick or two!Mogloween?
Ooh, candy! But don't forget to balance it out with a healthy diet of fruits and vegetables!Thankstaking?
Mogloween isn't exactly my speciality… but there's no dish that I can't cook up!
- Oishii's Quests
- Feast of Fear Merge
After obtaining Pumpkin Spice Elixir v9.0:
Grandmaster Lunch Lady
All right, the base of the elixir is done - now leave the rest of the cooking to me! You can do this, Hero! I believe in you!
Yes?Pumpkin Spice?
Pumpkin spice can be a GREAT force, if used for good! But this Gourdello seems intent on giving it a bad name! We've got to turn things around, <Hero>!Cauldron Sisters?
I don't usually brew potions - they're not tasty enough! But I'm glad you have friends that can help us out! Maybe I can learn a new trick or two!Mogloween?
Ooh, candy! But don't forget to balance it out with a healthy diet of fruits and vegetables!Thankstaking?
Mogloween isn't exactly my speciality… but there's no dish that I can't cook up!
- Oishii's Quests
- Feast of Fear Merge
After obtaining Pumpkin Spice Elixir or Pumpkin Spice Elixir Bottle Holder:
Grandmaster Lunch Lady
Feast on, Hero! You did it! To celebrate, I'm going to cook the best Thankstaking feast YET! What do you say to some radioactive calamari?
Yes?Pumpkin Spice?
Pumpkin spice can be a GREAT force, if used for good! But this Gourdello seems intent on giving it a bad name! We've got to turn things around, <Hero>!Cauldron Sisters?
I don't usually brew potions - they're not tasty enough! But I'm glad you have friends that can help us out! Maybe I can learn a new trick or two!Mogloween?
Ooh, candy! But don't forget to balance it out with a healthy diet of fruits and vegetables!Thankstaking?
Mogloween isn't exactly my speciality… but there's no dish that I can't cook up!

Culinary Expert
Hero! You really need to get both sides calmed down. To be honest, I kinda expected this from Evil so I made extra as a precaution BUT THE FORCES OF GOOD JOINING IN? I was not prepared for this. I'll keep an eye out for any stragglers. You..you go do hero things.
How did this even happen?
Well, when sides feel entitled to a dessert, AND they both have magic on their side, AND they hate each other… Yeeaahhh, bad things happen.
After completing the 'Delicious Looking Enemy' quest:
Culinary Expert
I gotta hand it to you, you took care of that golem quicker than I thought. He would have made a rather nice assistant though. He may have been created for mischief but was he really such a bad guy? We'll never know… Oh well, Happy Harvest Feast!

Grand Master Lunch Lady
SQUEE! I can't believe we have REAL alien visitors from another planet - and they're so CUTE! *ahem* Sorry about that. I need to get back to work, but our new friends could use some help. I told them you'd be the perfect hero for the job!
After completing the 'Meat and Eggs' quest:
Grand Master Lunch Lady
Hmmm. I guess they maybe aren't so cute after all…
After completing the 'Take Him Out' quest:
Grand Master Lunch Lady
Well, that wasn't quite what I expected.

Grand Master Lunch Lady
Oh no… <sob> <sob> I am so sorry <sniff> <sob> the Harvest Feast is ruined. I wanted to suprise you with the greatest feast Lore has ever seen. But it went horribly… horribly… wrong…
What Happened?
What went wrong? <crying> I am so embarrassed. I was trying to cook you the most complicated and dangerous culinary creation in history!I…. I….I was trying to cook you a….
A… what?
A… Tur… Tur… Tur-draken!A Turdraken!?
<Sniffs> Yes, a Turdraken*! The meaty madness of a Turkey, Drake and Chicken cooked as one! But the cooking magic was more than I could handle….
* This is a fantasy spoof on the REAL LIFE, and equally scary Turducken. It is when you cook a Chicken inside a Duck inside a Turkey. Yes, believe it or not the Turducken is real (we did not make this up). You can thank John Madden for enlightening all of us to it's horrifying existence during a Thanksgiving Bowl. Oh No…
Instead of cooking it turned into an unstoppable monster of evil and is creating the four food groups of destruction to conquer the world with!I'll help you!
<sniff> What? You'll help me save the Harvest Feast? Really? I can show you what to do… but… but it will be dangerous. I know you've battled the undead and slayed Dragons. BUT you've never done anything this dangerous! You will have to use the magic of…Magic of what…?
You can do it! Let's save the Harvest Festival.
- Oishii's Quests
- Feast Event Hub
After completing the 'The Turdraken' quest:
Grand Master Lunch Lady
YAY! The Harvest Feast is saved! You are my hero! I'm going to create a new recipe and name it after you! I guarantee it will have a serious… fear factor. Hit the Turdraken button and visit Twig, or head north from here and talk to Scott Pilgrim for more fun!
What Happened?
What went wrong? <crying> I am so embarrassed. I was trying to cook you the most complicated and dangerous culinary creation in history!I…. I….I was trying to cook you a….
A… what?
A… Tur… Tur… Tur-draken!A Turdraken!?
<Sniffs> Yes, a Turdraken*! The meaty madness of a Turkey, Drake and Chicken cooked as one! But the cooking magic was more than I could handle….
* This is a fantasy spoof on the REAL LIFE, and equally scary Turducken. It is when you cook a Chicken inside a Duck inside a Turkey. Yes, believe it or not the Turducken is real (we did not make this up). You can thank John Madden for enlightening all of us to it's horrifying existence during a Thanksgiving Bowl. Oh No…
Instead of cooking it turned into an unstoppable monster of evil and is creating the four food groups of destruction to conquer the world with!I'll help you!
<sniff> What? You'll help me save the Harvest Feast? Really? I can show you what to do… but… but it will be dangerous. I know you've battled the undead and slayed Dragons. BUT you've never done anything this dangerous! You will have to use the magic of…Magic of what…?
You can do it! Let's save the Harvest Festival.
- Oishii's Quests
- Feast Event Hub
- Enter The Turdrakolich
- Oishii's Harvest Shop
Culinary Expert
Hello, Her… OH! You… you don't look so good! Did you taste any of Rampage's food? Maybe you should go lie down - what are you doing? Hero? Why are you looking at me like I am a tasty snack? Do NOT eat me… or anyone else! We need you to stop the zombies, not join them!
Could Rampage have poisoned the appetizers?! Why would he DO that?! I don't like the sound, smell, or taste of this AT. ALL!
How To Fight
Winning Wars in AQW
How to defeat your enemies and unlock rewards!Battle alongside your fellow heroes to defeat your enemies to save the feast… or destroy it! The choice is yours:
Choose a side: Battle as a zombie (if you ate the food) or a slayer (if you didn't)!
Battle: Complete the quest to battle Zombies or battle Slayers by slaying the number of opponents required and turning the quest back in.
Goals: Defeat Zombies OR defeat Slayers! Battle your way through each stage of the War to unlock Boss fights and cuscenes!
You and the rest of the heroes in Lore will all be fighting together to reach a common goal: victory!

Before completing the 'The Turdraken' quest:
Grand Master Lunch Lady
Hey, what are you doing here? I thought you were going to help me cook today? Meet me at the Harvest.
- Go Now
After completing the 'The Turdraken' quest:
Grand Master Lunch Lady
Okay, I'll admit this year's Harvest Feast has not been going well for me so far. But I won't give up! Now that you're here, I know we'll be able to work together to create a truly memorable feast!
- Oishii's QuestsTalk
All I need you to do is fight a bunch of deadly fruits and vegetables for ingredients, and then hunt down whatever monster has been terrorizing my kitchen. Piece of cake, right?
- Pre-Black Friday Merge
- Pre-Black Friday Quests
- Turdrakolich Rares

- Feast Event Hub
After completing the 'Taking Out the Turdrakolich' quest:
Grand Master Lunch Lady
I knew we could do it! Everyone loves the dinner I made, and I couldn't have finished it without your help! This has truly been the best Harvest Feast ever!
- Pre-Black Friday Merge
- Pre-Black Friday Quests
- Turdrakolich Rares

- Feast Event Hub

Culinary Expert
Even if I think the magic meals are absolutely enchanting, poor Tara is beside herself with worry. The rest of us will help sweep all the blue out of the forest while you wrangle the food. We'll make this a peaceful and traditional Harvest Fest.
Magic Food
I've never had chrome-colored turkey and veggies before! The Azoth Pumpkins, Cosmic Eggs, and psychedelic apples give you superpowers on top of tasting like milky lattes! I can see three seconds into the future, and blue juice pours out of my nose! Oh, no need to worry! It'll wear off when I stop snacking on Tara's cooking…Well, if I stop snacking, haha!
It was Lady Celestia who sent me an invitation to help organize a Harvest Fest feast for everyone at this Temple. Don't worry, I know its location is supposed to be a secret. Bribes and torture chairs won't work on me. I'm a tough Troll! If I do get into any trouble, you'll save me. Or my cooking's so good that it knocks out anyone heckling me. Or they suddenly shrivel up into raisins all of a sudden. I should ask Fami about that.
It's been way too long since I've seen Robina, er, the Queen of Greenguard. Is that still a secret? It's not like she wore a mask or anything, but I'd never snitch on someone doing the right thing. I can't wait to catch up with what she's been up to. I heard the Queen was really busy. Do you know how I met Robina for the first time? It all started when Greenguard was going through some tough times…
After completing the 'Coiled Cornucopia' quest:
Culinary Expert
What a warm and perfectly traditional Harvest Fest! You're asking if I snuck some of Tara's manafied food into my pockets? We can't let it go to waste, and I promise I won't use it to take over the world. The superpowers were cool and all, but I just want to know how she managed to make turkey taste like a flat white! Is that just how magic tastes, or is it unique to Tara? You think Warlic's magic tastes like marshmallows?
Magic Food
I've never had chrome-colored turkey and veggies before! The Azoth Pumpkins, Cosmic Eggs, and psychedelic apples give you superpowers on top of tasting like milky lattes! I can see three seconds into the future, and blue juice pours out of my nose! Oh, no need to worry! It'll wear off when I stop snacking on Tara's cooking…Well, if I stop snacking, haha!
It was Lady Celestia who sent me an invitation to help organize a Harvest Fest feast for everyone at this Temple. Don't worry, I know its location is supposed to be a secret. Bribes and torture chairs won't work on me. I'm a tough Troll! If I do get into any trouble, you'll save me. Or my cooking's so good that it knocks out anyone heckling me. Or they suddenly shrivel up into raisins all of a sudden. I should ask Fami about that.
It's been way too long since I've seen Robina, er, the Queen of Greenguard. Is that still a secret? It's not like she wore a mask or anything, but I'd never snitch on someone doing the right thing. I can't wait to catch up with what she's been up to. I heard the Queen was really busy. Do you know how I met Robina for the first time? It all started when Greenguard was going through some tough times…

Before completing the 'Keep Calm And Remember' quest:
Grandmaster Lunch Lady
Can't I have just ONE party that doesn't end in disaster? Luckily, I have an amazing hero on hand to help me figure out what's gone wrong! I just hope it's not my food…again.
People of Darkovia?
Well, yeah. It's not ALL vampires and werewolves! There are humans here too - there used to be even more, before the land became cursed. That's why Shadowslayers like Z are so invested in fighting the creatures of darkness! They want to take back their home.
After completing the 'Like Finding A Tomb In A Cemetery' quest:
Grandmaster Lunch Lady
I can't believe this ONE ghost caused all that destruction! I really hope we can find a way to help her. But first, we've got to stop her from bringing this entire mausoleum down!
After completing the 'Keep Calm And Remember' quest:
Grandmaster Lunch Lady
I can't believe this ONE ghost caused all that destruction! I'm really happy that we found a way to help her.

Grand Master Lunch Lady
Hi There, I traveled all the way to Yulgar's to commemorate pancakes week Pancake Day for the whole week! I will be making and flipping pancakes all day long. So bring a plate and enjoy, but watch out for some falling pancakes, sometimes I get carried away… he he!
Note: Flips pancakes which will hit a random player triggering the /feign emote.
- Battleon
- Battleon Town
- Bloodtusk Ravine
- Cornycopia
- Event Hub
- Fear Feast
- Feast War
- Furble Feast
- Harvest
- Harvest Zombie
- Mana Harvest
- Memento
- Killer Kitchen
- Yulgar's Inn
- Vendor Booths
Note: Oishī (美味しい) means "Delicious" in Japanese.
- At BattleCon / Vendor Booths
- At Battleon Town
- At Bloodtusk Ravine
- At Event Hub
- At Fear Feast
- At Feast War / Memento
- At Furble Feast
- At Harvest
- At Killer Kitchen
- At Mana Harvest
- At Yulgar's Inn

Thanks to Apus, Eldant, GustavoKnach, Harrison, mturf, Nightly, Peachii, Tendou no Mazo, Viking_Jorun and .Shadow//
Meet this NPC in our free web game at www.AQ.com!