Oblivion's Quests

Jump to: DoomLord Quests, Void Paladin Quests, ArchFiend Quests, Oblivion Tundra.

Quest Location: Tercessuinotlim
Quests Begun From: Oblivion
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Contract With the Abyss' quest.

Requirements: Must have Unidentified 13: "The Contract of Nulgath" in your inventory.

Minion, the connection between Lore and the Underworld is not as stable as you might presume. In the past, Master Nulgath has used Gravelyn as a conduit when he needed a way to manifest power at a higher level than his current state allows. If you wish to create a new and powerful subspecies of the Nation, you must first locate the proper magical materials, and meld them with our resources."

Items Required:


  • 0 Gold
  • 10,000 Exp

You will receive one of the following items:

Thanks to Apus and Memine.

Quest Location: Tercessuinotlim
Quests Begun From: Oblivion
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Contract With the Abyss' quest.

You, there. Squishy one. Come here for a moment. No, no, I will not hurt you. Your world has 'heroes' of righteous Good known as Paladins, yes? Would you like to become one? Oh, but you wouldn't be the same anymore… for every step you take down this path, your view on the world will become a little bit darker. Tainted, even. You say you can fight it, but we both know how it will end. So… what will it be?

Items Required:


  • 25,000 Gold
  • 5,000 Exp

You may also choose one of:

Thanks to Tris.

Quest Location: Tercessuinotlim
Quests Begun From: Oblivion
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Contract With the Abyss' quest.


You want to harness my power? You need to FEED the FIEND!

Bring me 13 Red Dragon Fiend Gems, 3 Bones from the Glacial Horror in /BattleUnderD', 1 Screamfeeder Heart from the /DreamMaze', and 1 Diamond of Nulgath.

Items Required:


  • 250 Gold
  • 250 Exp

You may also receive, at random:

Quest Location: Oblivion Tundra
Quests Begun From: Oblivion
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Remember to Breathe' quest.

Master Nulgath has asked me to impart knowledge of the eras before his reign. Help me jog my memory about the Hushed and the Ettin. If the cold hasn't gotten to you, I'll limber up and fight you as Archfiend Oblivion again. That should be enough.

Items Required:

  • Fiend Shard Dust x6 (Stacks up to 60)
  • Rotten Branch x6 (Stacks up to 60)
  • Oblivion Ring x1 (Stacks up to 10)


  • 2,500 Gold
  • 5,000 Exp

You will receive one of the following items:

Begin this quest in our free web game at www.AQ.com!

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