Hub Town-Level 30
A very unnatural sandstorm has blown across the Sandsea and revealed that the oasis community was just the center of a much larger town once devoured by the sands and forgotten by the people.
- Bupers Camel (Level 30) x3
- Cactus Creeper (Monster) (Level 30) (Version 1) x3
- Desert Vase x4
- Oasis Monkey (Monster) (Level 20) x1
- Sandsea Frask x1
Map Name: sandsea
Room Limit: 6
Access Points:
- /join sandsea
- 'Sandsea Invaded' button in Ebil Portal
- Book of Lore
- Battleon - 'To Sandsea!' button from Arvio
- Cave of Wanders - Head South on Screen 1
- Class Hall A - 'Go to Sandsea' button to Leria
- Crocodile River - West of Screen 1
- Djinn - Head South on Screen 1
- Mobius - Head South on Screen 3
- Sek-Duat Pyramids - Head South on Screen 1
- Sand Castle - Head South on Screen 1
- Sandsea Port - Head South on Screen 1
- Sandsea Map
Thanks to Abalanar, Apus, Awesomewarriors1, Flitterifie, GM_ francis, Harrison, ingomarelementary, Na Tra, OmfgRly, rickyb20, Tendou no Mazo and Zero IX.
Explore this area in our free web game at www.AQ.com!