- At Artist Alley
- At Battleodium
- At Battleon
- At Battleon Town
- At Chaos Queen Beleen
- At Citadel
- At Dark Fortress
- At EbilCorp HQ
- At Enchanted Nulgath Nation House
- At Event Hub
- At Fiend Past
- At Pastelia
- At Shadowfall Rise
- At Temple Delve
- At Temple Siege
- At Tercessuinotlim
- At Ultra Nulgath
- At Vendor Booths
Archfiend of the Oversoul, Oversoul Game Lead & AQWorlds Artist
This is ridiculous. Why am I here? The Archfiend of the Oversoul does not attend conventions! Do they think I have nothing better to do? I would destroy you if I did not think you would serve me better as a loyal minion.
In addition to ruling the Oversoul, I'm also the creator of the Oversoul game. Although most of my time is spent working on it, I still create armors, weapons and even a class for AQWorlds to reward my minions for their loyalty.
Abyssal General (Fiend of the Underworld)
I was not aware until now but a sizable fraction of my Nation secretly fear the day I take the Fiend God’s place. The power and influence I will gain will erase the need for the Nation itself. Could that be possible? Perhaps, but what say you? Would you fear me?
Talk - Can only be used once per day
I was not aware until now but a sizable fraction of my Nation secretly fear the day I take the Fiend God’s place. The power and influence I will gain will erase the need for the Nation itself. Could that be possible? Perhaps, but what say you? Would you fear me?
Honestly? I fear you already. But I trust in your power in addition to trusting that you keep your promises.
Everything about me, from my strength to my words extols my endless might. If I were to go back on my promises, the power of my words will wane. Regardless of who I am and who I will become, this will never change. You know me well.
If you want me to fear you, then that's a yes!
What an empty answer. I did think about getting a jester but you're such a joke, I wouldn't need one.
My fiendshards and my contracts add to my power. I rule over my Nation with an iron fist. Could you believe that I was a mere mortal before meeting the Fiend God?
Yes, it's fascinating! I'm so curious, I want to know about your rise.
Ha, in due time. Hmm, it has been eons since I even considered sharing tales of the ancient past. Once upon a time, I considered myself a teacher. Perhaps this will contribute to your growth. I too am curious to see how you will rise.
No, of course not! I can't imagine someone like you ever being mortal!
This is why the weak continue to grovel and beg. If you can not imagine the idea of growth, you will continue to live with the rats.
I reward those who carefully consider their contracts, and watch for loopholes. The fools become useful fodder and menial minions. I too must question all actions, however minute they may be. So tell me, what do you hope to gain from conversing with a fiend for seemingly no reason?
I can glean a lot of wisdom from just a casual conversation. Though, considering you are the Archfiend, I'm doing my best to be careful.
And take care, you should. Talking so casually with a fiend is very risky, but there is very much to gain. I look forward to more conversations like these.
I only wish to be available to serve you, Archfiend!
Ah, another menial minion. I tire of the sort that dance around, hiding their true intentions. There's enough of that every day.
I have existed since the conclusion of the original Planar Conflicts. If I were to name one fear, it would be that Lore has little left of interest. Even the idea of overtaking the Fiend God is beginning to sound stale. Hmm, I’m beginning to think there is nothing to look forward to.
What about outer space?
That is the single most outlandish and hilarious statement I have heard in centuries. Haha! Your audacity amazes me but I'm starting to see the appeal. Unknown territories and gods to conquer. Interesting. You suggested this in the first place, so I expect you to pioneer this endeavor as my right hand.
If I were you, I'd bask in the glory of having everything!
Tch, you are not me and you will never ever come close to being me. Away with you. Even this conversation bores me.
My minions, Carnage and Dirtlicker included, are quite wary of you. Considering your potential, and the interest both Gravelyn and Dage have in you, I wonder if my minions have a point. Do my loyal warriors tell the truth? Are you more of a risk than a boon?
Every choice is a risk, but you aren't going to get anywhere if you don't take those risks.
Is that a challenge you're posing? To me? I would call you foolhardy, but there's a part of me that wishes to take this challenge. I'm no coward, and I don't fear risks. I could destroy you for even implying such, but I find you interesting to keep around
Your minions are just jealous. I would be nothing but a boon to you.
In the past, my minions had the same concerns about Dage. And that went so well, didn't it?
Over the course of the past centuries, I have hand-carved my Nation into staunch loyalists. None will dare question me. Except, you have that potential. I wonder if a special contract is required to keep you in check. Or, if I should eliminate that danger altogether.
If you do, we'll never have these kinds of conversations again.
A fair point. Should you be bound by overly restrictive contracts, I would not have your unbiased perspective nor, these interesting conversations. Yes, this is what I was looking for. An intelligent answer, and a wise but youthful soul.
There's no way I'm a danger to the Archfiend.
Anyone and everyone can be a danger. You could be weakling, or you could be a bad liar. You're very lucky you have more use alive…at the moment.
Gift - Can only be used once per day
Bananas - Decreases Friendship status by ¼ hearts
Chrysanthemums - Decreases Friendship status by ¼ hearts
Emeralds - Decreases Friendship status by ¼ hearts
Apples - Increases Friendship status by ¼ hearts
Opals - Decreases Friendship status by ¼ hearts
Oranges - Decreases Friendship status by ¼ hearts
Orchids - Decreases Friendship status by ¼ heartsWhen gifting Nulgath something he likes
Apples are more useful than one would first think. A simple reagent in witchcraft and curses. You put thought into this.
- Rewards the player with:
- Unidentified 10: "Bag of Dirt" x5 if Friendship status has 1-2 hearts.
- Unidentified 10: "Bag of Dirt" x10 if Friendship status has 3-5 hearts.
- Unidentified 10: "Bag of Dirt" x20 if Friendship status has 6 hearts.
When gifting Nulgath something he dislikes
I assume you are intentionally trying to get on my nerves.
Tacky isn't a word I use often but it is appropriate here.
You wasted your time and mine on a useless whim.
This is a poor choice and lacking severely in taste.

Abyss General (Fiend of the OverSoul)
You think you have what it takes to fight for me, the ArchFiend of the darkest realm? Ruler of the OverSoul? I am the destroyer of heroes, the crusher of champions. Follow me as an ArchFiend and you will know power. IF you prove yourself worthy.
- Rare Gear ShopYour Realm?
Abyss General (Fiend of the Underworld)
Have you made your way to my dark realm? No? IF you think you can survive the horrors, slay Skeletal Soldiers until you have 50 Bone Dust, then make your way to the Citadel. If you can find the Bone Room, you have completed the first step to towards entering my realm.How are you here?
Do not question my abilities. I go where I will, when I will, and no Necromancer, Empress or King can stop me. If you are strong enough, try to follow. Keep up and you'll be rewarded.
- Nulgath Diamond Shop
- ArchFiend Class
- ArchFiend Merge
- Nulgath's Quests

Overfiend & Ruler of OVERSOUL!
Greetings, Worm! After I defeated Dage The Evil, I left this him this pathetic world and left this shadow of myself here to watch his continued failure. Now OVERSOUL is mine. It's a fresh new world ripe for the taking and I have claimed it for my own. I have brought you spoils from this new world to celebrate the opening of the doors to OVERSOUL!
OVERSOUL is Artix Entertainment's newest game. It's an MMO with elements of card gaming, stratedy and player vs. player combat. You can Explore the world and battle monsters to add them to your deck, then use your new creature in battles against other players!

Abyss General (Fiend of the Underworld)
You think you have what it takes to fight for the Fiend of the Underworld? I give you chance after chance to prove yourself, and at this time is no different. Become a Blood Fiend and show your loyalty; when the pulling pretender, Dage the Evil, is crushed, my followers will know what true power tastes like. IF you show yourself worthy.
- Nulgath War PreparationTalk
Members of the Legion will want to steal my glory… and your gear. Do not be fooled by pretenders; though they will appear to be loyal, wearing the items I sell, rely only on those know to be true followers. They will stop at nothing to raise up Dage the Evil and overthrow me. As if they could.How are you here?
Do not question my abilities. I go where I will. If you are strong enough, try to follow. Keep up and you'll be rewarded.

ArchFiend and Lord of the OverSoul
From the Underworld to the Oversoul, I've traveled far. On this one day, it is I who will honor you and all of your victories. Happy Anniversary!

ArchFiend and Lord of the OverSoul
From the Underworld to the Oversoul, I've traveled far. On this one day, it is I who will honor you and all of your victories. Happy Anniversary!
Battle through the world of the OverSoul!- Website
Super Chibi ArchFiend
Chaos Queen Beleen MUST be stopped! We need to find Beleen and put an end to her Chaotic reign… before she grows even more powerful and unpredictable. You need to go find her; I will stay here to concoct a remedy which will hopefully quell her Chaos.
Who are you?
HA! You have NEVER heard of the almighty ArchFiend, Nulgath? I used to RULE this world before I was exiled beyond the Oblivion Gate to the land of OverSoul… no thanks to Dage the Evil, Artix the Paladin, and their HUGE army of Lore warriors.I re-opened the Oblivion Gate using a new strain of Chaos harnessed only by OverSouls… and apparently THIS is where the Gate led to. It was the perfect hiding place to fuse OverSoul Chaos with Lore's Chaos without being bothered by… troublesome heroes… *grrrrr* My plans of becoming Chaotic have been foiled by Beleen… and YOU are going to help me stop HER.
- Nulgath's Quests
- Pinked Swordhaven
After completing 'Boss Fight Beleen!' quest:
It feels GREAT to be back to my NORMAL self! NEVER again will I go full Anime *shudder*. I'm heading back to OverSoul now; come visit me if you're up for some REAL battles against REAL bad monsters in turned-based Player versus Player glory!! Oh, I painted a Chaos Queen Beleen Art Print at HeroMart in case you want to constantly be reminded of how chaotic Beleen truly was… is… mwahaa!

The cave area hasn't been completed yet. But you can still take a look around.
The Archfiend
Dage… The Evil? Pathetic, apprentice. You disappoint me. Again.. If you have to TELL your followers what you are, clearly you fail at BEING what you claim. You thought I would not find out what you planned? Pitiful. Your "friends" come crying to me, BEGGING for a true dark power to fllow. They crave Darkness stronger than you'll ever know. … You do not believe me? Suit yourself. The truth - and a surprise test - lies to your right.
After completing the 'Final Exam: Your Own Worst Enemy' quest:
The Archfiend
The battle is over and you still stand. You pass… barely. The Mark of Mastery is yours. But your "loyalty" to your friend is not. In dying by your hand in MY fortress, a spell was triggered that binds your spirit to the Underworld. You will never be free.
EbilCorp Influencer
I can't believe that I signed that contract for such insignificant gear. I should— The Nation's power comes from the Fiend God, Adimonde. In order to access his domain, one must— What magic is this? What have you done, <Hero>?!
After completing the 'The M.C.P' quest:
Abyss General (Fiend of the Underworld)
How dare you trick me, Hero! I should have your head for this! This is the last time I am the one signing the contract!
Abyss General (Fiend of the Underworld)
- Guard?
After completing the 'Beyond the Portal' quest:
Abyss General (Fiend of the Underworld)
I've been watching you from the beginning, <Hero>. You've had it easy. Everything so far has been handed to you. Did you think the Inquisition was tough? HA! You must not know what a real challenge is. No, you are still weak. You seek power for the perils that await you… but I can't just give that away. It's something you have to earn for yourself. I can, however, lead you on the path to acquire it… for a price.
I offer you this contract. Sign it, and my wares will be yours to earn from myself and the inhabitants of this domain. You are free to refuse, but know that if you do, the challenges that await you will be impossible to overcome. What are the terms of the contract? Does it matter? All you want is power, am I wrong?
After completing the 'Contract With the Abyss' quest:
Abyss General (Fiend of the Underworld)
Welcome minion. The prices? Oh, save your bellyaching for the morgue. Leave if you think they're unreasonable! Earning my wares will cost you… and it'll cost you a lot. Keep whining, and I'll decorate this room with your entrails.
I've imbued a small, minuscule, fragment of my power into each of my gemstones and relics. Earn them by completing my tasks and fulfilling requests from the inhabitants of this realm, then forge them into items of great power!Inhabitants
This realm is home to many inhabitants. If you wish to earn more of my wares, search for them within the caves, and they will reveal themselves to you.ArchFiend Class
ArchFiends draw their power from the Abyss itself. If you think you can handle that type of power, seek out Oblivion. They'll put you through the most excruciating boot camp of your miserable life!Void Highlord Class
HAHAHA! Ambitious, aren't you? Void Highlords are among the Nation's mightiest soldiers, and each is imbued with a fragment of MY power. You're free to try and become one, but be warned: you won't like the initiation process. If you're up to the task, find the original Void Highlord within the caves. Prove yourself to them, and show me that you have what it takes to stand at the top.
Welcome minion. The prices? Oh, save your bellyaching for the morgue. Leave if you think they're unreasonable! Earning my wares will cost you… and it'll cost you a lot. Keep whining, and I'll decorate this room with your entrails.
- Shop
- House Shop

ArchFiend and Infinite OverLord
From the Underworld to the Oversoul, I've traveled across infinite timelines to be here, now, as you celebrate my birthday. Prove yourself worthy by destroying my enemies, and one of my Nation weaponsmiths will reward you.
Abyss General (Fiend of the Underworld)
So it is a war that Dage wants? Fine! I will bring it to him! Fiends of the Nation! Void Knights! Hexes! Rise! We shall rain death and destruction upon the Traitor! We shall pluck his soul from his husk and then… YOU! SHALL! FEAST!
- Nulgath's Quests
- FiendPast Merge
- Equip Armor - ArchFiend's Commandant (Temporary) is equipped upon clicking this button.
- Get Helm
- To the Traitors - Takes you to Screen 12
Super Chibi ArchFiend
Good news: my secret "Beleen Remedy" is nearly finished. Bad news : we need to get close to Beleen. Great news: I have devised the perfect plan… build a Beleen Pony! It'll be like Trojan Horse, only MUCH cuter. Beleen will not be able to resist… mwahahahahha!
Ah yes, while you were helping a No Pants Paladin in peril, I was busily concocting up a magic recipe that will strip Chaos from Beleen. It's top notch stuff I learned from watching cooking shows in the OverSoul realm. It just needs to simmer a bit more… you know, for flavor.
After completing the 'Boss Fight Beleen!' quest:
It feels GREAT to be back to my NORMAL self! NEVER again will I go full Anime *shudder*. I'm heading back to OverSoul now; come visit me if you're up for some REAL battles against REAL bad monsters in turned-based Player versus Player glory!! Oh, I painted a Chaos Queen Beleen Art Print at HeroMart in case you want to constantly be reminded of how chaotic Beleen truly was… is… mwahaa!
Abyss General (Fiend of the Underworld)
Even from Underworld I can sense that Empress Gravelyn is in great danger. I've come to break you out from Underworld. Sign this contract and I will send you back to the land of living for a short period of time. Let it be known, if you die during this time, you'll be gone into the Void forever with no way back. You'll cease to exist completely.
The Archfiend
Return to /templesiege. Carnage will be there to brief you. Don't keep me waiting.
- Go Now
After completing the 'Throat Sores' quest:
The Archfiend
Our new temporary contract has been sealed. Oblivion, Carnage, and my army have been ordered to create distance between themselves and the temple. That Stranger possessed the corpse of my clone, meaning it could easily take control of my Nation through their contracts. Only you and I will be able to enter the Temple. We will crush the worm that infests my visage.
After completing the 'Prephosphorus' quest:
The Archfiend
The Elemental Astero will show me how to connect myself to the pedestal. My power and essence will be drained and flow into the portal beyond this room. The process will take time, and you need to distract the Worm long enough for an entrance to another realm to be opened. Which realm? Ha, you catch on quickly.
After completing the 'Feeding Time' quest:
The Archfiend
The matter is settled. My clone (and the thief that stole it) has been destroyed. I see that you're relieved that the matter between the two of us has been settled as well. This Temple, the Light, its secrets and the secrets of the Shadows… The Empress, myself, and perhaps even the lich will see to these matters after the Alliance of Good and Evil separates.
What I will share with you will also be passed to Empress Gravelyn's ears.Temp Contract
Our temporary contract has ended. I no longer have access to your powers or abilities, but my word still stands. Were you surprised at how drastic the failsafe was on your contract? You would not have agreed to the conditions otherwise. I don't see it as an unbalanced agreement. Though my time wielding your abilities was short, I learned much about Adimonde, and about you.Shadows
The Mysterious Stranger that manipulated Sepulchure follows the same Master as The Worm. While we spied on Adimonde, they revealed how they once fought this Master. Ha, Adimonde never mentioned who won. I doubt this Master is truly gone. Weakened as they could be, they still exist and will act in competition to my Nation. One day, they will be a threat, and I will be prepared.Pedestal
The pedestal and portal we ruined is an interesting discovery. That travelogue you found in the Temple noted how its victims were unable to be raised from the dead. While I was connected to it, I did feel close to obliteration. If I were even a slightly lesser being, I would not be standing before you. This 'Drowning Machine,' what the Temple's pedestal was based off of, is worth investigating.
The Archfiend
Carnage has informed me that these doors are sealed by a powerful Light spell. If it were only the Light, a flick of my finger would split them open, however, the clerics only sealed the door from this side. Another entity is holding it shut from the other side. It's using the power of my contracts and my Nation against me. Follow my instructions closely and pay attention to your surroundings. The situation has changed.
After completing the 'The Emperor's Shadow' quest:
The Archfiend
The doors standing before us have flown open. I can sense Oblivion behind them. The first insult against the Nation was the shattering of a Fiend Shard. The second was the theft of another. The third was the theft of a corpse; the corpse of a clone. One that Oblivion was guarding. He has been overtaken by a Shadow. Defeat him and rip that Shadow out of his throat. I wish to crush that shade under my heel.
After completing the 'Throat Sores' quest:
The Archfiend
The Shadows are full of surprises. I am accustomed to the territorial disputes between those the Light shuns but I did not expect these particular Shadows to blatantly attack me and the Shadowscythe they once ruled. Yes, a Mysterious Stranger is impersonating me and has invaded the new Temple of Light for (as of yet) unknown reasons. We need to delve into the Temple's depths to punish this foolishness.
I am not one for idle chatter. These are facts you should know.Shadows
The Shadows and Doom are entities | distinctly separate from the Darkness. The Avatar Voidstar is a sloven coward sitting in a Plane that vastly outmatches the other elements in power. Why? The reason has remained hidden since the days of Planar Conflict. Mortals do not fear the darkness because of the Avatar. They connect the Darkness to the fear instilled by the Shadows and Doom.Strangers
Have you heard of the Mysterious Stranger? Perhaps you have met one yourself. Indeed, there are many. One led Sir Valen to becoming Emperor of the Shadowscythe, and subsequently started a chain reaction that put the Empire squarely under the reign of the Empress. The Shadows have completely lost their hold, and are conspiring to get it back. Ha, they are desperate enough to challenge me.Respect
Emperor Sepulchure and I once clashed blades. For a sliver of a moment, he fought me as Sepulchure the man, not the puppet of the Shadows. That is how the Shadows see us. Mere puppets that have escaped their strings. Regardless of what I am now, the Shadows know that my roots were mortal. That is why they didn't fear insulting me by stealing my clone and a fiend shard. I promise you, I will teach them fear.
Abyss General (Fiend of the Underworld)
I've been watching you from the beginning, <Hero>. You've had it easy. Everything so far has been handed to you. Did you think the Inquisition was tough? HA! You must not know what a real challenge is. No, you are still weak. You seek power for the perils that await you… but I can't just give that away. It's something you have to earn for yourself. I can, however, lead you on the path to acquire it… for a price.
I offer you this contract. Sign it, and my wares will be yours to earn from myself and the inhabitants of this domain. You are free to refuse, but know that if you do, the challenges that await you will be impossible to overcome. What are the terms of the contract? Does it matter? All you want is power, am I wrong?
After completing the 'Contract With the Abyss' quest:
Abyss General (Fiend of the Underworld)
Welcome minion. The prices? Oh, save your bellyaching for the morgue. Leave if you think they're unreasonable! Earning my wares will cost you… and it'll cost you a lot. Keep whining, and I'll decorate this room with your entrails.
I've imbued a small, minuscule, fragment of my power into each of my gemstones and relics. Earn them by completing my tasks and fulfilling requests from the inhabitants of this realm, then forge them into items of great power!Inhabitants
This realm is home to many inhabitants. If you wish to earn more of my wares, search for them within the caves, and they will reveal themselves to you.ArchFiend Class
ArchFiends draw their power from the Abyss itself. If you think you can handle that type of power, seek out Oblivion. They'll put you through the most excruciating boot camp of your miserable life!Void Highlord Class
HAHAHA! Ambitious, aren't you? Void Highlords are among the Nation's mightiest soldiers, and each is imbued with a fragment of MY power. You're free to try and become one, but be warned: you won't like the initiation process. If you're up to the task, find the original Void Highlord within the caves. Prove yourself to them, and show me that you have what it takes to stand at the top.
- ShopQuests
Welcome minion. The prices? Oh, save your bellyaching for the morgue. Leave if you think they're unreasonable! Earning my wares will cost you… and it'll cost you a lot. Keep whining, and I'll decorate this room with your entrails.
- House Shop
- Nulgath's Minions Quests

- Nulgath's Temporary Quests

The Archfiend
You wish to grow stronger? Does collecting my gemstones not do it for you? Very well. If you seek true power… then you'll have to take it by force!
Archfiend of the Oversoul, Oversoul Game Lead & AQWorlds Artist
Ah, Hero. I thought I would find you here. The Oversoul is calling you… can you hear it? No? Pity. Then you should listen harder, and prepare for one of the longest journeys of your life. You think you fought difficult battles for me here? Then you have no idea what evil awaits you in the next realm. MY world!
OverSoul is our first game with a card-based battle system, AND it is a multiplayer turn-based strategy game! Use the battle cards to fight monsters and other players, and if you a battle against a monster… you have a chance to add it to your collection. Play as any monster in your collection and level it up!
- Artist Alley
- Battleodium
- Battleon Town
- Chaos Queen Beleen (Location)
- Dark Fortress (1)
- EbilCorp HQ
- Enchanted Nulgath Nation House
- Event Hub
- Fiend Past
- Pastelia
- Temple Delve
- Temple Siege
- Tercessuinotlim
- Ultra Nulgath
- Vendor Booths
- Previously called "Miltonius".
- Appears on Screen 5 of EbilCorp HQ after completing the 'Nulgath's ...Contract?' quest.
- Appears on Screen 4 of Temple Siege after completing the 'Banging on Light's Door' quest.
- Replaces Dage the Lich (NPC) on Screen 1 of Fiend Past after completing the 'Defeat Dage the Lich' quest.
- Also see:
Thanks to Aeryn, Apus, Malak93, mturf, PkerSlayer, Raionae, Rezurrect, Skyguard ninja, SlyCooperFan1, Valoroth and .Shadow//.
Meet this NPC in our free web game at www.AQ.com!