- DoomWood Forest
- N/A (Isn't Replayable)
«Scene: King Alteon's bedchambers»
King Alteon: Heroes… *cough* Thank you for coming so quickly.
Artix: My King, are you alright?
Beleen: On no… you look really sick!
King Alteon: Alas, the wound caused by Drakath's attack has not healed.
Beleen: Have you seen a Healer? I heard the Kingdom has a great health care plan.
Cysero: Yeah. The Heal Hut is running a special on leeching this month.
Cysero: Lose 3 pints of blood, and you lost the 4th one free.
King Alteon: Indeed. But no Healer can heal these wounds.
King Alteon: In fact, that is the reason I asked you here.
King Alteon: The four of you are the greatest heroes of our world. I would like to trust you with a terrible secret…
Hero: Of course King Alteon. You can trust us with a secret.
King Alteon: My wound… is becoming worse… and it appears to be spreading.
All: OH NO!!
Hero: How much worse?
King Alteon: I believe Drakath's attack has infected me.
King Alteon: Each day I become weaker. When I close my eyes, I can hear the whispers of Chaos growing louder.
Artix: There must be something we can do!
King Alteon: Yes. You can make me a promise.
All: Anything!
King Alteon: You four Heroes are the world's only hope. Promise me…
King Alteon: If I fall, promise me you will defeat Drakath, and use the truce between good and evil to finally bring peace to our beautiful world.
Hero: I promise it shall be so, King Alteon.
King Alteon: Good. Now, may I speak to the hero in private for a moment please.
All: ???
«Close-up with the Hero speaking to the King.»
Hero: Your majesty?
King Alteon: There is a serious problem in DoomWood.
Hero: DoomWood? The forest of the undead?
King Alteon: Yes. Someone has re-opened the Necropolis and is raising the most powerful army of undead in existence.
Hero: GREAT! I will grab Artix and we will start slaying some and…
King Alteon: NO!!
King Alteon: You must keep Artix away from DoomWood at all costs.
Hero: What!? Keep Artix… Mr. Super-Undead-Wrecking-Ball…. AWAY from slaying the undead? Why?
King Alteon: How long have you been friends with Artix?
- Just a little while…
- For years!
- We have been adventuring together since I can remember.
«All three result in the same dialogue.»
King Alteon: There is something you should know about him. He…
King Alteon: AHHH!!
Healer: I'm sorry, you have to go!
King Alteon: Trust me! As his friend, you MUST keep him away from DoomWood at all costs…
«Fade to black»
Three days later…
«Scene fades»
Next: De(ad)ception