
Undead Goat Class Master
Hello! I'm Noobstine, a warrior who has spent many years ensivioning the perfect way for the heroes of Lore to battle. I've hit upon it - as an Undead GOAT! You might think this is a baaaaaaaa-d idea, but I assure you, if you battle as an undead goat, you'll be ramming your opponents right and left!


How did I come to create the Undead Goat Class, you ask? Good question! I won the "I Can Has Mod" contest, which meant one of my wishes was granted - and who wouldn't wish to become an undead goat if they had the chance?!


The Undead Goats have gone, but ANYONE can get the Gilded Blade of Champions, because we are ALL heroes!

- Undead Goat Merge raresmall.png
- Undead Goat Morph (Shop) pseudosmall.png
- Gilded Champion Blade

Location: Battle Under B


Thanks to Amduscia.

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