Nightmare Before Frostval
- Krampus (Location) - Plays when joining the room for the first time
«Scene: Hargoyle and Voltaire in the darkened Frostvale»
Hargoyle: Oh, no… Oh no! What happened to Frostvale?
Aurelio Voltaire: It's become… a nightmare.
Voice of Krampus: Ha, ha, ha.
Voice of Krampus: Don't you like what I've done to the place?
Voice of Krampus: You'd better get used to it. Frostvale IS mne now, and ycüre going to be stuck here for a very long time.
Hargoyle: What do we do?
Aurelio Voltaire: We figure out how to fix it.
Aurelio Voltaire: We save the town… and help our friends.
«Scene fades»
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