New Year

Town-Level 0 to 90
It's New Years, and that can only mean one thing - Lim is in charge!
- Albino Rhino Beetle (Level 5) x2
- Chainsaw Sneevil (Level 9) x2
- Glacier Mole (Level 5) x1
- Ice Master Yeti (Monster) (1) (Level 16) x1
- Sneevil (Level 2) x1
- Year Ball x1
Map Name: newyear
Room Limit: 20
Access Points:
- /join newyear
- Chrono Phoenix (Location) - West of Screen 1
- Darksun - South of Screen 1
- Event Hub - 'NewYear' button
- Everfrost Valley - South of Screen 1
- Frostmane - West of Screen 1
- Grim Attack - South of Screen 1
- New Year's Lab - West of Screen 1
- Time Retaliate - North of Screen 1
- Time Ritual (Location) - West of Screen 1
- New Years Map

Thanks to Apus, Enbay1, Frozen, Haileym1, MagicImpulse, Mecha Mario, Na Tra, Saopaulino1999, Superkeryu and Xia.
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