This Week
Change Log:
- Double Class Points boost until Wednesday, October 9th.
TLaPD YARRR'LY Shop Updated
Akh-a Updated
Azalith (2) Updated
Maah-na Updated
HousingAzalith Statue
Celestial Attendant Statue
Infernal Azalith Statue
Masked Azalith Statue
Change Log:
- Double Rep boost until Monday, October 7th.
- Guild slots increased by 25 for all guilds.
- Bank and house space increased by 25 for all players.
- Max bank space increased from 650 to 800.
- Max house inventory space increased from 250 to 275.
- Max guild space increased from 350 to 800.
- Maximum amount of friends increased from 250 to 275.
Mirror Realm Character Page Badges
Mirror Realm Necro
16th Birthday Hero
AQWorlds' Birthday Returns Updated
Mogloween Returns Updated
Battleon Updated
Battleon Town Updated
Event Hub Updated
Necro Project
Void Salek
Birthday Cake Updated
Imperial Noxus (Monster)
Twilly Pinata (1) Updated
Salek Sprayer (Level 80)
Zombie Terror Updated
Noxus Updated
Ragnar Updated
Sally Updated
Sally's Quests
Zorbak the Ebil Necromancer's Quest Updated
Candied Costumes Updated
Mirror Necromancer Upgrade
Battleon Celebration Garb
Battleon Formal Garb
Enchanted Tactical Agent Alpha
Enchanted Tactical Agent Bravo
Imperial Noxus (Armor)
Tactical Agent Alpha
Tactical Agent Bravo Capes & Back Items
Animancer Guardian
Animancer's Hands of Life
Backup Ol Reliable Zombie Buster
Backup Tactical Alpha Rifle
Imperial Noxus Spiked Tassels
Imperial Noxus Spikes
Imperial Noxus Tassels
Reanimancer's Attendant
Reanimancer's Life and Death Grasp
Virescent Ceremony Rune
Virescent Cloak
Virescent Rune
Virescent Rune Cloak
Virescent Rune Festival Cloak Grounds
Animancer Aura
Reanimancer's Essence Helmets & Hoods
Animancer Cowl
Animancer Crowned Hood
Animancer Hood
Animancer Mask
Animancer Masked Hood
Aspiring Chronomancer's Beard
Aspiring Chronomancer's Hair
Aspiring Chronomancer's Locks
Crystal Festival Elf Crown
Crystal Festival Elf Hair
Crystal Festival Elf Locks
Crystal Festival Elf Morph
Crystal Festival Elf Tiara
Crystal Festival Elf Visage
Faceless Necromancer Morph
Imperial Horned Noxus Morph
Imperial Noxus Morph
Reanimator Cowl
Reanimator Hood
Reanimator Lord Hood
Reanimator Masked Hood
Reanimator Skull Mask
Tactical Agent Alpha Gasmask
Tactical Agent Alpha Hair
Tactical Agent Alpha Locks
Tactical Agent Alpha Morph
Tactical Agent Alpha Visage
Tactical Agent Bravo Beard
Tactical Agent Bravo Beard Morph
Tactical Agent Bravo Gasmask
Tactical Agent Bravo Helm
Tactical Agent Bravo Locks
Tactical Agent Bravo Visage Housing
Imperial Noxus House Guest
Necro-U Pillar
Necro-U Rug
Necro-U Window
Noxborg House Guard
Noxore House Guard
Noxusterian House Guard Misc. Items
Gummy Brains Bows
Animancer Bow
Celebration Bow Daggers
Animancer Blades
Arc Aura Lance and Shield
Blood Rage Swords
Celebration Arrows
Celebration Blades
Celebration Bow and Arrow
Celebration Daggers
Eyes of Hubris
Fae Skull Bangles
Hero's Conviction Blades
Ol' Reliable Zombie Batters
Ol' Reliable Zombie Busters
Tactical Alpha Blasters
Tactical Alpha Guns
Tactical Alpha Rifles Gauntlets
Reanimancer Armblade
Reanimancer Armblades HandGuns
Tactical Alpha Blaster Maces
Celebration Arrow
Eye of Hubris
Fae Skull Bangle Polearms
Arc Aura Lance
Basalt Claw
Nation Dragonbane Scythe
Reanimancer Scythe Rifles
Tactical Alpha Gun
Tactical Alpha Rifle Staffs
Ardent Mercy Staff
Imperial Obsequies Staff Swords
Animancer Blade
Blood Rage Sword
Celebration Blade
Celebration Dagger
Hero's Conviction Blade
Ol' Reliable Zombie Batter
Ol' Reliable Zombie Buster Wands
Imperial Obsequies Wand
Twilly's Pinata Mace
Last Week
Change Log:
- Double drop quantity boost on Essence of Nulgath and Totem of Nulgath resource until Thursday, October 10th.
16th Upholder Character Page Badges
16th Upholder
Snowvers' Birthday Updated
Azalith, Morningstar Updated
Frogzard Updated
DoomKitten (Monster) (1) Updated
Aranx's Quests Updated
16th Upholder
HousingSnow House Guest
Snow Party Guest Swords
Classic Shadowfall Star Sword
Classic SwordHaven Star Sword
Elemental Star Sword of Air
Elemental Star Sword of Darkness
Elemental Star Sword of Earth
Elemental Star Sword of Energy
Elemental Star Sword of Fire
Elemental Star Sword of Ice
Elemental Star Sword of Light
Elemental Star Sword of Water
Eternal Hero Star Sword
Gold Enchanted Retro StarSword
Shadowfall Defender Star Sword
Silver Enchanted Retro StarSword
Star Sword of the M4tr1x
Swordhaven Defender Star Sword
Change Log:
- Double XP boost until Wednesday, October 2nd.
Kathool (Level 50) (Version 2) Updated
Capes & Back ItemsBackup Iron Anchor Daggers
Backhanded Golden Anchor Maces
Golden Anchor Maces
Iron Anchors
Reverse Grip Iron Anchors Maces
Backhanded Golden Anchor Mace
Golden Anchor Mace
Iron Anchor
Reverse Grip Iron Anchor
Magma Blazebeard (Monster) Updated
Capes & Back ItemsNoble Pirate Parrot Daggers
Double Barrel Gold Guns
Gold Blood Isles Arsenal
Gold Blood Isles Firearms
Noble Naval Rapiers Guns
Double Barrel Gold Gun Swords
Noble Naval Rapier
Change Log:
- Double Class Points, XP, Gold, Rep boost until Monday, September 30th.
Aranx's Birthday Updated
Friday 13th Updated
Talk Like a Pirate Day Updated
Apex Azalith
Champion Azalith
Azalith (2)
Azalith, Morningstar
Aranx (NPC) Updated
Aranx's Quests
Evangeline's Quests
Aranx's Azalith Rewards
BloodCaster Merge shop
Featured Gear Shop Updated
Quibble Coinbiter's Sixty-Eighth Shop Updated
TLaPD 2024 Collection Updated
ArmorsBlood Caster
Celestial Nomad
Dark CryptRaiser (0 AC)
Dark CryptRaiser (AC)
Dark CryptRaiser (Legend)
Dark Necropirate (0 AC)
Dark Necropirate (AC)
Infernal Blood Caster
Infernal Wanderer
Maah-na's Robes
Magical Mermariner (AC)
Magical MerMariner (Legend)
Mortal Doom Captain (0 AC)
Mortal Doom Captain (AC)
Opalescent MerMariner
Ornate Pirate's Outfit (0 AC)
Ornate Pirate's Outfit (AC)
Reversed Ornate Pirate's Outfit (0 AC)
Reversed Ornate Pirate's Outfit (AC)
S.S. Doom Captain (0 AC)
S.S. Doom Captain (AC) Capes & Back Items
Akh-a's Wings
Blood Caster Runes (AC)
Blood Caster Runes (Merge)
Celestial Annals
Celestial Runic Choir
Dark Necropirate's Chief Mate (0 AC)
Dark Necropirate's Chief Mate (AC)
Dark Necropirate's First Mate (0 AC)
Dark Necropirate's First Mate (AC)
Infernal Annals
Infernal Runic Choir
Maah-na's Freed Wings
Maah-na's Wings
Mortal Doom Captain Cape (0 AC)
Mortal Doom Captain Cape (AC)
S.S. Doom Minion Cape (AC)
S.S. Doom Minion Cape (Non-AC) Grounds
Cove of Graves (0 AC)
Cove of Graves (AC)
Cove of the Dead (0 AC)
Cove of the Dead (AC) Helmets & Hoods
Blood Caster Hat (AC)
Blood Caster Hat (Merge)
Blood Caster Hood (AC)
Blood Caster Hood (Merge)
Celestial Nomad Hood
Dark Necropirate Beard (0 AC)
Dark Necropirate Beard (AC)
Dark Necropirate Cap (0 AC)
Dark Necropirate Cap (AC)
Dark Necropirate Eyepatch Beard (0 AC)
Dark Necropirate Eyepatch + Beard (AC)
Dark Necropirate Eyepatch Cap (0 AC)
Dark Necropirate Eyepatch Cap (AC)
Dark Necropirate Eyepatch Hat (0 AC)
Dark Necropirate Eyepatch Hat (AC)
Dark Necropirate Hat (0 AC)
Dark Necropirate Hat (AC)
Dark Necropirate Skull (0 AC)
Dark Necropirate Skull (AC)
Dark Necropirate Skull (Legend)
Dark Undead Necropirate Cap (0 AC)
Dark Undead Necropirate Cap (AC)
Dark Undead Necropirate Eyepatch Cap (0 AC)
Dark Undead Necropirate Eyepatch Cap (AC)
Dark Undead Necropirate Hat (0 AC)
Dark Undead Necropirate Hat (AC)
Dark Undead Necropirate Patch Hat (0 AC)
Dark Undead Necropirate Patch Hat (AC)
Dark Undead Necropirate Skull (0 AC)
Dark Undead Necropirate Skull (AC)
Infernal Wanderer Hood
Maah-na's Hood
Mortal Doom Captain Hat (0 AC)
Mortal Doom Captain Hat (AC)
Nomad Hair
Opalescent MerMariner Locks
Ornate Pirate Cap (0 AC)
Ornate Pirate Cap (AC)
Ornate Pirate Hat (0 AC)
Ornate Pirate Hat (AC)
Shimmering MerMariner Locks
S.S. Doom Captain Hat (0 AC)
S.S. Doom Captain Hat (AC)
S.S. Doom Captain Monstrous Morph (0 AC)
S.S. Doom Captain Monstrous Morph (AC)
S.S. Doom Captain Monstrous Morph (Legend)
Undead S.S. Doom Captain Ghoulish Morph (0 AC)
Undead S.S. Doom Captain Ghoulish Morph (AC)
Undead S.S. Doom Captain Morph (0 AC)
Undead S.S. Doom Captain Morph (AC) Housing
Fluffy Pirate Fox House Guest (0 AC)
Fluffy Pirate Fox House Guest (AC)
Misc. Items
Divina Voluntas
Gold Voucher 100k Updated
Gold Voucher 500k Updated
Infernalis Oculus
Infernalis Penna
Akh-a Companion
Cursed Dark Chest Bank Pet (0 AC)
Cursed Dark Chest Bank Pet (AC)
Dark CryptRaiser Minion (0 AC)
Dark CryptRaiser Minion (AC)
Fluffy Pirate Fox (0 AC)
Fluffy Pirate Fox (AC)
Herald of Bloodlust (0 AC)
Herald of Bloodlust (AC) Daggers
Akh-a's Spear and Shield
Blood Scripture Keys
Blood Scripture Blades
Mortal Doom Captain Pistols (0 AC)
Mortal Doom Captain Pistols (AC)
S.S. Doom Captain's Pistols (AC)
S.S. Doom Captain's Pistols (Legend) Gauntlets
Blood Caster's Rune Gauntlets (AC)
Blood Caster's Rune Gauntlets (Merge) HandGuns
Mortal Doom Captain Pistol (0 AC)
Mortal Doom Captain Pistol (AC)
S.S. Doom Captain's Pistol (AC)
S.S. Doom Captain's Pistol (Non-AC) Polearms
Akh-a's Spear
Celestial Nomad's Scythe
Dark CryptRaiser Spear (0 AC)
Dark CryptRaiser Spear (AC)
Infernal Wanderer's Scythe Swords
Blood Scripture Key
Blood Scripture Blade
Dark Brine Cutlass (0 AC)
Dark Brine Cutlass (AC) Wands
Celestial Nomad's Sceptre