New Finale's Quests

Jump to: Chaos Challenger, Chaorrupted Lycan Hunter, Memory of Vampires.

Quest Location: New Finale
Quests Begun From: "Quest" button on Screen 4
Requirements: Must have completed either the 'Battle for Alliance in Willowcreek!' or 'Battle for Chaos in Willowcreek!' quest.
Note: This quest can only be completed once.

You have seen what is waiting for you near the caves… now go get him!

Items Required:


  • 19,000 Gold
  • 76,000 Exp
  • 1,000 Rep : Chaos

Thanks to rickyb20.

Quest Location: New Finale
Quests Begun From: "Quest" button on Screen 8
Requirements: Must have completed either the 'Battle for Alliance in Doomwood!' or 'Battle for Chaos in Doomwood!' quest.
Note: This quest can only be completed once.

You've battled your way through the Chaos army, but you now need to defeat the Chaorrupted Lycan Hunter or the war is over!

Items Required:


  • 19,000 Gold
  • 76,000 Exp
  • 3,000 Rep : Chaos

Thanks to Counterswitch and Ness860.

Quest Location: New Finale
Quests Begun From: "Quest" button on Screen 11
Requirements: Must have completed either the 'Battle for Alliance in Darkovia!' or 'Battle for Chaos in Darkovia!' quest.
Note: This quest can only be completed once.

Note: Previously called "Kill the Vamp boss in Darkovia zone".

Queen Safiria has been killed, along with a multitude of vampires. You must defeat their memory in order to advance!

Items Required:


  • 19,000 Gold
  • 76,000 Exp
  • 5,000 Rep : Chaos

Thanks to Counterswitch and Ness860.

Begin this quest in our free web game at!

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