Necropolis Dungeon's Quests

Quest Location: Necropolis Dungeon
Quests Begun From: Necropolis Dungeon - Button on the top right corner
Note: These quests can only be completed once.

Note: This quest can also be found from Artix (NPC) and Vayle in Necropolis.

To enter the depths of the Necropolis, blood, sweat and bones are required. For each Skeletal Bellhop you slay, you'll descend one floor lower. Kill 10 Bellhops on this first foray into the darkness.

Items Required:

  • 1 Floor Descended x10


  • 4,000 Gold
  • 14,000 Exp
  • 2,000 Rep : DoomWood

Thanks to Tendou no Mazo.

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