Mysterious Stranger's Quests
Quest Location:
Quests Begun From: Mysterious Stranger (NPC)
- The Lost Teacher
- Big Gold Coins
- Light as a Feather
- Shard Shard Shard
- White Scales, Light Scales
- The Stench of Defeat
- If you can't stand the heat...
- The Depths of Despair
- All Things Green and Small...
- Doom... Or Redemption?
- The Mysterious Reward
Note: This quest can also be found in Tutor.
Hello, Hero. You don't know me, and you might never figure out who I am, but I am here to offer you a weapon worthy of an extraordinary hero, if you can uncover my clubes. Your lesson begins back at the start. Find the tutor, follow your heart.
Items Required:
- Blade Fragments x6
- Dropped by Horc Tutor Trainer
- 600 Gold
- 600 Exp
Thanks to Rare.
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