Mount Doomskull (Location)
Dungeon-Level 10 to 32
The final confrontation with Drakath is here! Ascend to the peak of Mount Doomskull and fight!
- Chaorrupted Healer (Level 48) x9
- Chaorrupted Mage (Level 48) x9
- Chaorrupted Rogue (Level 48) x6
- Chaorruption (Level 48) x9
- Chaos Draconian (Level 48) x15
- Chaos Drow (Level 48) x18
- Chaos Spider (2) (Level 48) x12
- Chaos Warrior (Monster) (2) (Level 48) x6
- Drakath (Monster) (1) (Version 1) x1
Map Name: mountdoomskull
Room Limit: 8
Access Points:
- /join mountdoomskull
- Book of Lore
- Battleon - 'To DoomSkull' button from Vandal Adams
- Battleon War (Location) - South of Screen 1
- Mogloween Grave - 'To DoomSkull' button from Safiria
- Mystcroft - 'To DoomSkull' button from Safiria
- New Finale - South of Screen 1
- World War Lore (Location) - East of Screen 1
- Chaos Finale Map
- Screen 1
- Screen 2
- Screen 3
- Screen 4
- Screen 5
- Screen 6
- Screen 7
- Screen 8
- Screen 9
- Screen 10
- Screen 11
- Screen 12
- Screen 13
- Screen 14
- Screen 15
- Screen 16
- Screen 17
- Screen 18
- Screen 19
- Screen 20
- Screen 21
- Screen 22
- Screen 23
- Screen 24
- Screen 25
- Screen 26
- Screen 27
- Screen 28
- Screen 29
- Screen 30
- Screen 31
Thanks to Apus, Leila, Rich Wind, Uchiha Sasuke and Zero IX.
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