Before completing the 'Still Too Fragile' quest:
Reflection of the Champion of Order
What you see here is a reflection of a point in time that has not happened yet. Strange things occur when Chaos touches the Mirror Realm. Return to Brightfall, quickly!
- Go Now
After completing the 'Still Too Fragile' quest:
Reflection of the Champion of Order
Though balance is restored, I fear the Chaos that will be unleashed now that the 2nd Beast of Chaos is free! If you are going to have any chance of defeating it, hurry to Alina in Alchemy Academy. She will have the recipie to create a Shriekward Potion to protect yourself!
Xing and Xang, the manifestations of Good and Evil, should NEVER have merged. Balance is preserved, still, but Chaotic Balance is almost - but not quite - a paradox. I do not know how this will affect the realms of the future.
- Mirror Drakath's Reflection's Quests
- Mirror Realm Merge
After completing the 'Horror Takes Flight' quest:
Reflection of the Champion of Order
The time has come for you to face the 2nd Lord of Chaos: Xiang! Be prepared, my friend; because she contains both Good and Evil, this battle will be incredibly Chaotic as she will seek to hurt or heal you unpredictably.
- Mirror Drakath's Reflection's Quests
- Mirror Realm Merge
- Shriekward Potions
After completing the 'Good, Evil, and Chaos Battle!' quest:
Reflection of the Champion of Order
It is over… and not. The Chaos Beast has been destroyed, but Chaos Lord Xiang is still free to play her Chaotic games, and Lore is the prize. You must hurry to defeat Drakath, Hero! She should not be allowed to roam free much longer!
- Mirror Drakath's Reflection's Quests
- Mirror Realm Merge
- Shriekward Potions
Location: Mirror Portal

Thanks to rickyb20 and .Shadow//
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