Mirror Drakath's Quests

Jump to: BattleOff, Dark Dungeon, Lord of Order, Shadowoff, Brightshadow, Bright Chaos, Bright Forest.

Quest Location: BattleOff
Quests Begun From: Mirror Drakath (NPC)
Note: These quests can only be completed once.

Go to the Science Shop and speak to Cysero and Warlic. They will have figured out some way to balance you out. Please, let me know what they say.

Items Required:


  • 0 Gold
  • 2,500 Exp

Thanks to Ness860 and rickyb20.

Quest Location: Dark Dungeon
Quests Begun From: Mirror Drakath (NPC)

Note: This quest can be completed only once.

Hero, we need to know where the Cockatrice has taken the Egg! Gravelyn the Good, Bardolph, and Warlic have already started hunting around the area. Go talk to them and see if they're found anything useful.

Items Required:

  • Mirror Warlic's Info x1
    • Click the blue arrow on Screen 8
  • Gravelyn's Info x1
    • Click the blue arrow on Screen 4
  • Bardolph's Info x1
    • Click the blue arrow on Screen 6


  • 400 Gold
  • 400 Exp

Thanks to Apus and Tendou no Mazo.

Quest Location: BattleOff
Quests Begun From: Mirror Drakath (NPC)
Note: Only one of these quests can be completed per day.

Requirements: Must be Level 50.

For your first task, you will need to serve those in need. Help the Deadmoor Spirit Mallora by defeating the banshee that plagues the Deadmoor Spirit, complete Polish's final quest in /citadelruins, learn the truth of Ravenscar from Mina's Ghost, and buy the Dreadrock Donation Receipt from Deathgore in /dreadrock. Finally, retrieve the Pristine Blades of Order armor from the Chaos Knight in /watchtower.

Items Required:


  • 5,000 Gold
  • 5,000 Exp


Thanks to Taryth.

Quest Location: Shadowoff
Quests Begun From: Mirror Drakath (NPC)
Note: These quests can only be completed once.

That invasion you came to warn us about? It's already started. Grab your weapon and help me fend them off!

Items Required:


  • 10,000 Gold
  • 20,000 Exp

Quest Location: Brightshadow
Quests Begun From: Mirror Drakath (NPC)
Requirements: Must have completed the 'So Familiar' quest.
Note: These quests can only be completed once.

We must protect what little remains of Brightfall's light before it becomes corrupted by shadow. Collect what you can find and bring it back to me.

Items Required:


  • 10,000 Gold
  • 20,000 Exp

Quest Location: Brightshadow
Quests Begun From: Mirror Drakath (NPC)
Requirement: Must have completed the 'Defeat Gravelyn' quest.

Hero, the balance of light and dark has been drastically thrown off in Brightfall. I’d like to try restoring it to a stable state, before it becomes disastrous. Could you assist me in collecting some light and dark energies to use?

Items Required:


  • 2,000 Gold
  • 2,000 Exp


Quest Location: Bright Chaos
Quests Begun From: Mirror Drakath (NPC)
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Defeat Gravelyn' quest.
Note: These quests can only be completed once.

We need to know more about the current situation, friend, if we want to win this battle. Fight the Militia and see what intel you can find.

Items Required:


  • 10,000 Gold
  • 25,000 Exp

Quest Location: Bright Chaos
Quests Begun From: Mirror Drakath (NPC)
Requirements: Must have completed the 'A Blight On Us All' quest.

The Blight may be defeated, but it is not eliminated. Before it rises to power again, hero, do you think you could teach it a bit of a… lesson?

Items Required:

  • Blight Subdued x4


  • 2,500 Gold
  • 2,500 Exp

You will receive one of the following items:

Quest Location: Bright Forest
Quests Begun From: Mirror Drakath (NPC)
Requirements: Must have completed the 'Return to Iadoa' quest.
Note: This quest can only be completed once.

Come on, hero. My Lords of Order will take care of the Shadowflame army. You and I will handle the dragon!

Items Required:


  • 25,000 Gold
  • 100,000 Exp

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